Warning: Liberals may contain polybrominated diphenyl, perfluorinated oils and DTT
Or so testing in Canada would suggest, although in fairness, the same applies to Conservatives and New Democrats. The Globe & Mail has the details, which can be summarised thus: an environmental group having discovered trace levels of a range of less than appetising chemicals and so in civilian Canadians challenged the pols to provide blood and urine samples that they too might disover what was lurking in their bloodstreams. Unsurprisingly, Ottawa's men and women in grey suits also had the trace elements, but less expectedly, had higher levels. John Godfrey of the Liberals proved to be carrying the highest number of toxic chemicals at 55. He also proved himself to be organophosphate pesticide Mary John with 45 times the level of the Environment Minister.
Nothing to be much exercised by, but amusing enough
Nothing to be much exercised by, but amusing enough
apparently we're all full of it...
Speak for yourself CU I have kept myself pure in body and soul if only others ( C ) would follow my example and leave off his dissolute life of corrupting hedonism ….Reminds me of my all time favourite C tag….
He never smiles, his mouth merely twists,
the breath in my lungs feels clinging and thick.
But I know his name, he's called Mister C.
His Satanic Majesty gives you retrospective permission to re-post that....
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