Cheering news
There will be no publication of Hattersley's political diaries as he destroyed his notes 20 years ago. More here, not that is is worth reading. Having had a look at the big stories of 1986, maybe the fall of Duvalier and Marcos scared Roy into thinking he should not be offering up too much rope..
Perhaps in a sober moment, he realised what a monumetally incoherent set of political views he had been propounding on for all these years. In a fit of rationalism he destroyed his notes.
That or he is too embarrassed to admit the dog ate them.
One would like to think so. Either way, a period of silence on his part would be very welcome.
Apart from Iain Dale who would actually want to read them?
blunketts took a bath (good)
And as we all know Blairs are just a pat on the head from News international for services rendered.
Roy just realised what a nonentity he was.It really upsets my equilibrium whne he wri9tes in the daily couldhe?Soicialists eg Galloway have no self respect when it comes to someone offering pieces of silver
The Hattersley-ism I most treasure comes from a Grauniad piece of several years ago. My clippings retrieval system, ahem, is not up to much (causing bystanders to query why I keep this snowdrift of paper at all) but fortunately it is burned into my memory.
"I refuse to believe that any teenaged girl would ever get pregnant to obtain a council flat. And even if I am wrong about this, it is to my credit that I do not believe it."
This isn't just sophistry, it's on another plane altogether.
who here is bunty binstock?
"I refuse to believe that any teenaged girl would ever get pregnant to obtain a council flat
With London prices the way they are I could do with a nice westminster council property , does anybody know where I can obtain a fertile (over 18 )teenage girl?
Sounds like a Sloane shagged and fogotten long ago PHITCH .
Great quote Nick .I have clipping retrieval system in its infancy but already starting to mutter "feed me now " in the quiet of the night.
BTW I suspect Drew of multiple personality disorders and "down sleeve laughing!"
Drew did Mustard in the Guido Blog with the false name . Do I win?
I'm not Bunty.
Or Spartacus, come to that.
mr mania
mr drew isnt the only one with multipe personalities.
I am your wife (+:
as well as ...
heather mills mccartney,
a nazi war criminal called bernhard and a blackwater security operative called chad hunter , amongst others.
I am your wife (+:
You need to lose some weight , iron my shirts and rattle them pots and pans then.If , that is , you wish to avoid the back of my hand !!
(I feel a clamy sense of terror even typing that )
You know, Hitch, Bunty is over 18 ... (and nothing to do with me, btw)
But poor Григор is no more
Mr Mania, I have only one multiple-personality disorder, thank you. (the other disorders are different). But, yes, I hang my head, I have used another name on Guido
I realise this outrage is unique in the annals of Blog, and that i have shocked you rigid.
In my defence, I do me songs & poems there as ND, though
No wonder that some people sometimes prefer the interweb to reality...
We will go back to discussing Hatters just as soon as you blow the whistle, Mr soi-disant "C"
'fundamentally depressing to think that in the dark days of '76-9 Baron Hatters actually sat in the Cabinet. But for the arrival of the Blessed Margaret at No:10, who knows where the tub of lard might have ascended to...Still he thinks Bliar is a shit head so the man can't be all bad.
He does seem to despise Blair. doesn't he? Odd, given that the quotation above (which I didn't invent) could be seen as prototype for the classic Blairism:
"I believed there were WMDs, and I was very very sincere, so that's all that matters"
which makes Mad Hatters his moral tutor.
The cabinet is only a sub -committee of the Privy Council; It's a scary thought that all those sworn in over all the years back to when they start to be dead now, are on the books to exercise Crown Prerogative,( not under parliamentary control, like declaring war for instance), and to help Elizabeth II in the exercise of her very considerable constitutional powers.
H. is still a Privy Councillor. He hasn't gone away you know, (though unlikely to be asked), but neither have any of the other back seat drivers.
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