Scots having trouble holding their drink...
To such an extent that a poll in The Scotsman suggests heavy support for heading towards a Swedish model - 71% are in favour of restricting the availability of alcohol.
The shade of John Knox appears to have risen up, judging from the gallery of ghastly lobbyists etc that the paper quotes, my 'favourite' being someone from Alcohol Focus (very easy - lift up drink and look at it. Wear glasses or lenses if results are poor) : "We want to see an end to all cut-price, heavily discounted offers and an end to the favourable excise duty for cider that enables high-strength ciders to be sold cheaply". Righty-ho, how heavy is 'heavily discounted'? Would the £10 off two bottles of malt that I availed myself of the other day count? A close second is some other character who thinks that there are too many pubs and licences should be restricted. Erm, won't that just encourage more barn sized pubs? To adapt what a 19th century bishop said when the licenced trade was under attack then, "Better Scotland free than
Labels: Act of Union, Cant, opinion polls
The Scots have always had a weirdly schizophrenic attitude to alcohol . Its either a cup of tea and cake with Aintie or face down in the gutter full of fire water. It’s a religious thing. Never buying a drink for anyone else is a help as well . Do you have any Scottish blood in you C?
Not that I'm aware of, although Ma C grew up there and to this day refers to ecclesiastical buildings as 'kirks'. And her brother has the name of a noted scotch - and it isn't 'Famous Grouse'.
You like the sweaties don`t you C ? Not keen myself, due to their mean selfish baby eating pictish ways. There was good article in the Grauniad the other day saying we all benefit from the Union. The arguemnts for Scoltand benfitting were very good ;for Englans weak weak weak.
I see the Union ending during the next parliament and it will be brought to ahead by the boundary commission , Scottish Labour votes and the determination of Brown to brazen it out.
I am almost always right and often scare fellow citizens with my supernatural ability to see into the future .A horse!? they scoff
We`ll see .
I think most Scots will raise a glass to this new proposal. It has all their modern hallmarks of being, ill-conceived and illogical when applied in a market.
Not sure I want the Union to break up, as it will leave some very messy issues for our current bunch of inept politico's to deal with. However, I think it is very likely if Mr. 'snake-oil' Salmond does as well as he thinks he will do in the May elections.
I've found them a fairly aimiable bunch, but then I've never been anywhere near a hungry Scot when I have had a baby with me.
As I've noted before, I am a Unionist, but cannot help wonder whether it would be credible to continue to call this the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland if our Caledonian neighbours go their own way. United Kingdom of England, Wales and Northern Ireland perhaps?
CU is right about the messy divorce and imagine being attached to your ex wife at the hip. Army , oil , foreign policy , every treaty.Barnett Formula goodies for us though and the end of the iniquitous democratic defacit ( in the wrong direction )
I think it should all be handled in Westmister gradually with the introduction of a de facto English Parliament by the exclusion of Scotland and Wales..Not sure where this leaves Northern Ireland. I was hoping that it would be , not our problem any more
It will come as no suprise if I say lets the scots fuck off same with the scots in NI , dump all our "asylum seekers" and socialists down empty welsh mineshafts and seal them in with concrete, then cover the place with nuclear power stations.
Then we could begin to ejoy our country again
I'm with you Hitch
a well thought out and brilliantkly reasoned proposal.
C you don't get it do you,the Jocks hate us.
Supposedly it is one of the national failings that we like the countries that despise us: The Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Australia and France (for starters). And despise the countries more favourably disposed towards us - the US, Canada, Norway, the Netherlands etc.
Maybe I should throw in the thoughts of Dr Johnson on our Caledonian neighbours....
Hey come on you can`t sneak the Netherlands in there . In my perigrinations about the cultural delights of Amserdam I have spent long hours admiring the truth of the Low country school of realist painters and some other things as well..............
(What goes on tour ...)
Not somewhere I have ever been. As and when I do, I doubt I'll be able tro resist quoting from La Chute: "Ever noticed how the concentric canals of Amsterdam resemble the circles of Hell? A middle class hell of course".
Oh christ C , in some lost grimy alley you will be found staring at a seductively attired book of quotations lounging with frank invitation in a tawdry redlit window....
Tell me more of this middle class hell chief tour guide .
That was the quote in its entirety, squire.
I never liked the UK as a short-hand anyway. Technically it should be UQ at the moment anyway.
Can't say I am a unionist anymore, given the encorahcment of the EU it is a pretty irrelevant argument. However if we are going to break the Union let's do it all at once.
In the overal scheme of things PH is right. In order of merit the scots come top for at least having oil and whiskey. The welsh have nothing to offer and leach money and public sector jobs. NI is an even worse money pit.
So really we should seek to hive NI off first to some UN mandated international govt. Let them eat paper.
The Welsh and Scots could then have independent parliaments along with England.
Either that or Nemania can seceede London from the union when he becomes Mayor. Imagine that, then we could abolish tax more or less altogether.
Mr Slicker
It really is a nice idea for our dear friend mr mania to become mayor isnt it?
Sensible policies for london plus we could all blackmail some nice fat juicy public contracts out of him.
dont vote for a madman, vote for a maniac!
I can see the victorious ES headline now:
"Mayor is Maniac"
And when is N going to bring out his own range of salad dressings? want something to drizzle on your jalapenis do you C ...or something
PHITCH C CU VERITY ELEE PRAGUETORY and DREW and others will be accompanying me on my fact finding tour of the Bahamas entertainment will be along the lines of the Happy Mondays West Indies recording sessions..
On Scotland Justin H mentioned this alternative perspective. I think C like Scottish Conservatives and so do I. I met some at a Calcutta cup game and was amazed how they were unaware that their UK was a “a beautiful Angel beating its wings in a vacuum “ .Its time is past but when I think of the end of the British Army . Its sad
Conservatives in Scotland:,,1065-2523566,00.html
Sorry jalapenos ...clumsy clumsy
Rigger , Istanbultory Hatfield Girl also need to pack bucket and spade
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