A Noo Yawk variation on 'leaves on the line', 'the wrong kind of snow' etc
Dieters fainting on the subway. Yes really:
"Asim Nelson, a transit emergency medical technician, told the paper that fainting dieters topped the “sick customer” list. “Not eating for three or four days, you are going to go down,” Mr. Nelson said. “If you don't eat for 12 hours, you are going to get weak.”
Makes the excuses from Network Rail, London Transport etc look rather unimaginative, does it not?
Labels: Transport
I once went without food for almost a whole morning and felt quite faint(obviously apart from the pre-breakfast hambuger)
That is so New Yorky, though, isn't it? That's what they're like. Nervous, edgy, thin ... fainting rather than eating and going up a dress size ...
Maybe it will give Network Rail and London transport something to aim for!
Newmania hits the big time. See my latest post and comment. Will he speak to us?
He'll be charging for autographs, you see. He's bought me the occasional drink, so I'm in with the in crowd already.
You disappoint me, Verity. I envisaged you as a super-slim Anna Wintour clone - will have to revise my fantasies
He's having a think about who is first against the wall. I think me,you,PHITCH and Verity are safe for now.
I'll give you the usual Lombard Street to a rotten orange that Emily Thornberry needs to be saying her farewells.
Yes yes they will chatter about the great ones ..oh C should you require any blogging tips I may be available ...busy busy you know Doughty Street to prepare for.. it must be galling C to be Sallieri to my Mozart ...don`t be bitter
P seems to feel this reasearch may be a keg of manure but I take a more balanced view. It is quite simply a work of genius !!
Bow and Agree
All hail the Mighty N. A Giant Walks Among Us, if doubtless not for much longer.
Here's a click through to PT's gaff.
Mind you, if you look at the same bod's analysis of coverage of the Labour Party conference, it is the Queen of Kingston upon Hull, our friend Martine Martin who was the Queso Grande after C Home.
Fuck me
i dont even blog and im on the list
Yes, Mighty N, deep obeisances from over here (and a song to follow if you're not careful).
Y'know when I read your posts Mania, I often think, boy, he sometimes generates some subtle stuff.
Then I think nah, monkeys, typewriters ...
Will be happy to join you on your Mayoral trip to the Bahamas, tho.
Now if you could just get serious mania you may actually stand a chance.
You tick some good boxes, multi ethnic family , not ken livingstone, actually give a fuck about London rather than Cuba.
experience of the real world.
Get your act together.
And please can I be in charge of the met police?
And planning decisions for the whole of london
Can't I be the Croydon Great Helmsman or somesuch under the Newmania incumbency? Please?
we need to get him some cheap publicity.
C have you considered self immolation in hyde park?
its for a good cause and if Mr mania (the semsible choice)wins I will grant you any planing consent your heart desires
One doesn't want to let N down, but I fear that is quite a big ask.
Another of me theories ...
I reckon Ken won't run for Mayor again if there's the slightest possibility for him to take a crack at the Labour leadership instead. He's never for one instant had his eye off the Main Prize.
So - you may get a free run at it, Mania
ND, are you saying that John McDonnell is just doing the spade work for Ken, and that he will step in, as he has so often before, when it's clear how much support there is in the Party for a no-Gordon, no-Nulab candidate?
This is a most tentative (not a big) ask . There is quite a lot of work going on for just a McDonnell campaign.
Purpleberry - Just because I said New Yorkers are thin doesn't mean I am fat. I'm thin.
HG - And if so, I wonder who would lay down his or her seat for the benefit of Livingstone?
V - Afternoon.
PS - What is everyone referring to above? Is there a new list out?
There is some research floating around at Pattern Recognition that suggests that our friend Newmania is the second most influential Tory blogger. Lots more at PragueTory's place.
The boys at Conservative Home are flexing their muscles but I think that Newmania has the measure of them. I'm expecting a flurry of posts from Newman now that he has the blogosphere's attention.
A "hitchens" blog will be up and running next week
expect foul thoughts and libel
It is what the world has been waiting for. Should be interesting....
PHITCH - I can imagine JHL swinging from the gallows being an early post.
By the way I've nominated Paul for best conservative blog over at Conservative Home. Feel free to second me, but I think those chaps at CH have got it in for Paul so I don't expect them to give him any help.
As people seem to be reading this thread I must point out Recess Monkey's law-breaking activities. I was going to do a post on it, but keeping this Labour rabble is more than a full-time role I'm afraid.
What a naughty monkey. I'm still rather concerned that in one of the few known photos of him, he appears to have a more feeble 'tache than Ms Flint.
C 2.54. Precisely; but ND writes about '... the slightest possibility for him to take a crack at the Labour leadership instead. He's never for one instant had his eye off the Main Prize.'
Doesn't the leader of the Labour Party have to be an MP?
HG - I cannot find anything yay or naying that. This appears to be the key hurdle: "Each prospective candidate needs the support of 44 Labour MPs before they can put themselves forward". Still, we already knew that. There is a market on Livingstone at betfair, although all of £121 has been matched so far.
(back from extended tea-break)
If you start from the premise that Ken wants it as badly as anyone ever has, and is as opportunistic & canny as, well, a very opportunistic & canny thing, with track-record to match, you then just need to think through the details, through the mind of an every-hopeful fanatic:
(a) Ken almost certainly can't get it in 2007 (so conflict between him & JM isn't an issue)
(b) but whoever does get it in '07 will very probably be mortally wounded in the attempt (esp if it were to be Gordo*)...
(c) ... and then cop an economic downturn & take a caning at the next GE.
(d) so who is the undisputed, 'untarnished', proven, populist last-man-standing (again, in his own eyes)?
As to technicalities, if he does need to be an MP that can happen in under 6 weeks (remember Earl Home).
I'm not saying any of this is guaranteed to work for him. All I suggest is that the plans will have been laid.
*(& V, yes there is a separate discussion to be had on Gordo's prospects. Whatever happens I am very sure Ali and Mandy will leave him very badly damaged. I guess you won't have seen 'The Thick Of It' last night)
Apart from wanting ND to expand on (b) I feel the need to say I am thin too.
Possibly not as thin as Verity is.
Possibly I am not thin enough to go down -" 'Not eating for three or four days, you are going to go down, ' Mr. Nelson said," on the New York subway.
But it is still the days of Christmas and the fridges aren't empty yet - that wonderful sight of clear, plastic grilles.
What frivolous thread ...goody . All the women are thin I see . I like a fuller figure myself but imagine Verity and Hatfield girl will bear this revelation with fortitude.
Be Brave
Hello Newmania
You may be happy to hear that I have a healthy pot belly at the moment, and I did not faint on any form of public transport today.
Folk of all shapes and sizes are welcome here as long as they amusing or otherwise able to add to the discussion.
(cough) and string coherent sentences together - 'are amusing'.
Meanwhile, a frightengly believable scenario ND, although Livingstone is sliding towards his pension and may decide that he wants to spend more time with his bank account. Still, on the upside, where are the youthful members of the hard left? I cannot, at present, think of any, although doubtless there will any number of Vicars of Bray trimming to whatever the prevailing wind is come the day.
Your final point is a good one. I can't remember the last time I met someone my age or younger with an IQ above room temperature who could be described as hard left.
Mr mania
"You like bIg butts that something you cant deny"
baby got back
PH - search boreme.com for a priceless manga video mash up set to that song.
hg @ 9:16 "Apart from wanting ND to expand .... I feel the need to say I am thin"
Actually HG I felt Xmas had left me expanded enough - but if it makes you feel even more svelte, I shall do the gentlemanly thing: more mincepies over here!
Al I meant by (b) is that even if Gordo is uncontested, Ali&Mandy will ensure he gets badly hurt over the coming months. If they feel strong enough to field Reid - absolute bloodbath.
I read on a thread today, during a hectic day so don't remember where - oh, wait a minute; could have been Guido's - that Gordon Brown's hair had all fallen out overnight, years ago, and that disgusting thing clampedon the top of his head is a wig.
Is this true?
If so, it tells us rather too much about his level of sensivity. Would anyone actually pay money for a wig that looked like that?
And he has a glass eye?
And he has a wife? And two children?
Is anything about this individual real?
It was chez Fawkes I believe. I think it is his hair, but what does he wash it in? Sump oil?
Ha ha ha ha! Sump oil! I find that rather breezy. But ... who's to say he washes it? Do we have evidence?
As this thread was introduced by our gracious host about public transport, this may be a good place to mention this: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/worldnews.html?in_article_id=426313&in_page_id=1811
A man, waiting for a train with his children in NY, saw a man fall onto the line as a train was coming into the station and ... oh, well, read it. Dude!
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