And you thought the public was unimpressed with Blair?
How Ehud Olmert would long for Blair's poll ratings. The Jerusalem Post has a poll which makes for grim reading for the Israeli PM: 77% are dissatisfied with his performance. Further, 47% rate him as very poor, 30% as fairly bad, 20% as good and one per cent (relatives, perhaps?) as very good. All credit to Israel that there can only have been two per cent of the loathsome 'don't knows'.
Labels: Israel
I don`t really follow this sort of thing a lot C( foreigners). What would you recommed as good background reading . I still have your superb defence of the Zionist movement .
It seems clear that Lebabnon is going to come back to life which means more UK tears and tantrums from the ant emitic left...yawn
There are an awful lot of books on Israel out there. I suppose it depends on how much time you have...
OK - BTW bet you don`t know who the first Brtish Prime Minister was.
Depends how you define it, doesn't it?
Walpole is generally regarded as being the first PM.
Presumably you are about to land me with a 'gotcha', so for my pre-emptive strike, howe many States in the USA?
I recall a chap on the new at ten being confronted with the new ford granada (the last one) and being asked to coment on its contrversial looks he said
" well you either like it or you dont"
pressed by the interviwer for his opinion he said "I dont know"
I'm surprised there were enough 'don't know's to make up two per cent. I've never met a Jew who didn't entertain strong opinions.
Fifty states in the US, plus the District of Columbia and two protectorates - Costa Rica and Puerto Rico. Guam's in there somewhere, but don't know how.
V - It is a trick question. 50 states in the Union, but how many States?
I recognised it as a trick question, but thought it probably had something to do with DC not being a state. How many States with a capital S?
Would it be one?
No, the trick involves the full legal names of the states.
OK, tell us. But my answer was legitimate. How many "States" in United States of America. One.
I present the Commonwealths of Virginia, Kentucky, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.
Who knows that there is a version of the constitution that expressly prohibited a lawyer from standing for political office?
An even better version than the current one.
Croydonian - You are right. I forgot about the commonwealths.
Sounds interesting. Further and better particulars, please.
Goodness me Croydonian you weren’t trying to out fox name with that old commonwealth trick were you . I `m glad I’ve been working you would have been so upset when I popped the answer straight back over the net.
The first Prime Minister was Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman and he was only Prime minister five days after he became “First Lord of Treasury “ which was the position of Walpole and all his successors . It had been used sporadically as abuse and Walpole was , of course, the first de facto Prime minister.He never used the term though. The position was created on the 10th of Dec 1905 by a Royal warrant.
Huh , I suppose you think that Panama hats come from Panama ? Ecuador actually .
Cheesy grin.
Over on Little Green Footballs ... the Fiskie was won by Kofi Anan and the Fallaci went to stand-up dude John Bolton. As Charles points out, they both work at the UN. Interesting comment.
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