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Alarming surveys dept

C/O of Harris Interactive for the Herald Tribune.

"In your opinion, what is the likelihood that [bankrupcty, miltary coup, civil war or war] in a neighbouring country will happen in the next three years?

Nigh on 20% of my compatriots expect one of the latter three in our neighbourhood. This rather begs the question as to what our neighbourhood is. At the narrowest it would have to be the Republic of Ireland, but broadening it out a tad, Hibernia plus the countries on the North Sea littoral would seem a fair definition of 'neighbouring countries'. Being uncharacteristically optimistic, I cannot see the gutters of Oslo running with blood any time soon

Anyway, the figures:

I imagine Uncle Sam's nephews and nieces are thinking of Mexico rather than Canada.

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Blogger Old BE said... 1:43 pm

I think the Sixth Republic is long overdue, personally.  

Blogger Croydonian said... 1:56 pm

Not sure about that, I don't think that anyone better than Sarko is going to turn up any time soon, and one would have to be a cold-hearted individual to seek the head of the lovely Ms Bruni-Sarkozy on a spike.  

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