Hurrah! The 15th anniversary of the death of the Soviet Union.
Well, it was yesterday actually. The Moscow Times dates 'Upper Volta with rockets'' monitor flatlining from the "Belovezh Agreement, which annulled the treaty that had established the Soviet Union and created the Commonwealth of Independent States".
Hurrah in particular for the Baltic trio.
Hurrah in particular for the Baltic trio.
saw you on TV mate. Most impressed. You are better than Portillo.
Very kind of you to say so Mr L.
The imminence the Russian invasion was one reasons I became a Conservative.Old Pa N sealed it by announcing the damned left had turned the lights out.I can go far enough back to remember the endless claims that there was an equivalence between the USSR and the US.I recall few occassions when I have heard the words. ...;"For thirty years I have been talking out of my arse , spouting a bankrupt philosphy and lathering myself in a queasily nauseous faux intellectual slime of lies."
..and yet so many British intellectuals must have felt sorely tempted . They love "truth " they say, and the truth must have become apparent even to them , that such a description was , if anyhthing ,kindly.
Better than Portillo ? Pa N recently told me that of all the MPs and celebs that alighted in StAlbans and Harpenden , Portillo was the best. The only one as good as me , as he put it .
High praise C , I imagine you are your ego will be sitting fdown to a TV dinner about now and perhaps ..fooling around later ..
Having been interested in politics for as long as I can remember, I've nailed my colours to every conceivable mast with the exception of mainstream Socialism, Liberalism and Greenery, although fortunately all before I was old enough to vote.
I'm still waiting for all the apologists and fellow travellers to apologise.
Wherever I go, so does mego... I'm 99.9% certain that the anon above is one of my drinking buddies, but it was nice of him to say so anyway.
PRAISE -ah such sweet nectar , come let me cltuch thee .Allow me to preen ,( good word C thanks ),Phillipa ,who I love in a chivalrous and pure way , will be disgusted , but I enjoyed the following comment on my puny Bloglette
I run my loving fingers
Through his tousled hair-
Wild finches darting from his golden wheat field...
I look deep into his eyes-
Blue sky kissing high summer
Over Islington...
I can see the sweat on his forehead,
The embers glow over his stuble blue...
I can feel the heat rising
From the forest of his arms' hairs
And his... hissing snake
Under my loving touch...
I can feel the warm soil
In his torso's fields-
Rippling valleys across and wide
Upon where my head rests now...
Lady Mucca, 8 December 2006
for N xxx
( Oh my God! I did not realise that N was a handsome and decent man. Forgive me )
The said Phillipa decribed it as "shite" , but for once it seems to me her considerable literary gifts have deserted her. I find it a haunting imagist exploration of and deserving study at O level
( probably is )
I'm sure people have said worse things of you N.
what tv,was it doughty street,where's the kink?
i meantlink
Don't think it is archived, but e-mail me and I can send you a link for the first 15 mins or so, as kindly recorded by a mate.
While the demise of the USSR would be mourned by few, the chaotic, new world order that has succeeeded it, is well...messy and more than a bit scarey. The knowns of the Cold War were far less worrying than the nasty challenges that we currently face.
Not sure I'd agree with you there IT. The Soviet Union was a very frightening adversary, and there *were* plans for the Red Wheel to roll west. Lots more here, including photos of the medals cast ahead of the war to 'liberate' Western Europe. The site requires registration to see the pictures, alas.
The USSR's gone away, but Russia, which was its driver anyway, is still with us and still up to its old tricks. RIP Sash Litvinenko, although why he "converted" to islam on his death bed is a further mystery.
Didn't Churchill say that Russia was an enigma wrapped up in a mystery. Plus ça change ...
Or Kipling: "Make ye no truce with Adam-zad -- the Bear that walks like a Man".
Actually, it's exactly 25 days to the day that martial law was declared in Poland. A seminal event in the end of communism.
An interesting point IT. Being older than dirt I remember it all reasonably well. Turns out that Jaruzelski's claim that he was trying to forestall a Soviet invasion is untrue, although the Warsaw Pact did conduct a large scale military exercise involving amphibious landings a little further round the Baltic Coast...
He still walks the earth, by the way.
"He still walks the earth, by the way"
Jaruzelski shows no interest in popping his clogs. Unlike Pinochet who has finally snuffed it.
Yup, apparently Pinochet is very dead.
Well then, Croydonian can you post me the link to your 15 mins of doughty st? I'd love to have a look. Would you pop it on my blog for me?? Manythanks if you would :-)
I must say whether good or not.. things in that part of the globe were rather more disciplined and orderly than after the collapse..
Tejus - Maybe so, but order and liberty are often in opposition to each other.
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