Verity has asked me to have a look at Mel Gibson's somewhat ill advised comments the other day when collared by LA's finest for drink driving: "F***ing Jews. The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." He has since made an apology and is going into rehab. So presumably he thinks that makes it all right...
Not in my book it doesn't. He might like to start by apologising to two of his Jewish co-stars - Golide Hawn and Robert Downey, and a number of producers. I imagine that Richard 'Lethal Weapon' Donner is Jewish, based on his birth surname but cannot confirm this.
Meanwhile, the whiff of anti-Semitism to his Christ film becomes distinctly stronger. Herewith a detail. Originally, the second confrontation between Pilate and the Sanhedrin included a line where the Sanhedrin say, "His blood be on our heads and on the heads of our children!" Although this line comes from the Gospels, Mel Gibson moved the subtitle of the line to avoid further allegations of the movie having an anti-Semitic message. The actual line in Aramaic was left in the movie”.
As is moderately well known, Gibson's father is a Shoah denier, and Gibson Jr has refused to speak out against his father. Furthermore, Hutton Gibson regards Vatican II as a Jewish / Masonic plot and does not believe the
I think it is fair to say that just as was said of Julia Philips, 'You'll never eat lunch in this town again'.
PCF - I hardly think it was a set-up. The cop who arrested him - and let's not forget, the cop had a gun - was so threatened by his violent behaviour that he radioed ahead for a sergeant to meet his squad car when it drove into police station parking.
That it all came tumbling out tells me that this is what has been in his head all along and has been inhibited from being said by common (and commercial)sense. Liquor loosens tongues and it all came streaming out. Boy, was he in the wrong town to lose his inhibitions regarding Jews!
ABC has cancelled a series he was involved in. Good,say I. Of course, he has issued a grovelling, lengthy (all the media mentioned how long it was) "apology". He doesn't know what came over him. He's been battling alcohol all his life. It's a disease! It's not his fault! He's been battling it!
I don't know about the rest of you, but my opinions don't change when I'm 'over-refreshed'. They might be expressed a little more trenchantly though.
He was allegedly driving at double the speed limit while over the drink limit which by anyone's standards is remarkably foolish. He's not exactly short of a few bucks so his not using a car service would appear, erm, short-sighted.
Sorry is not enough, he should certainly know better. I think those remarks will haunt him for a long time to come.
Ellee - yes, I don't think many people in the Business will be very comfortable with him with that thought at the back of their minds.
Meanwhile, welcome back to the Blogosphere. I hope you had a good break and you didn't miss all this too much, if at all.
Can't say that Lexi are really to my taste, but if the last two prizes left in a raffle were a Lexus and a bottle of Bells, I'd go for the car.
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