The bin police strike again
As may have been noticed, I get a bit fired up about the bin police. Here's another jaw dropper from the BBC's site
"They can be fined, on the spot, £110 just for putting their black bin bag out on the wrong day and we've increased the maximum fine for serious fly-tipping to £50,000 so there's some pretty stiff penalties out there."
Alternatively, commit a breach of the peace and the maximum fine is £10 less...
A mate of mine with hard left tendencies (he'd like a national maximum wage...) was moaning about Bromley's bin collection service yesterday and was fantasising about a UDI from the council and dealing with his own rubbish.Time for a quick anecdote - during a bin collectors' strike in NYC some years back, a popular solution was to gift wrap rubbish and leave it in an unlocked car.
As may have been noticed, I get a bit fired up about the bin police. Here's another jaw dropper from the BBC's site
"They can be fined, on the spot, £110 just for putting their black bin bag out on the wrong day and we've increased the maximum fine for serious fly-tipping to £50,000 so there's some pretty stiff penalties out there."
Alternatively, commit a breach of the peace and the maximum fine is £10 less...
A mate of mine with hard left tendencies (he'd like a national maximum wage...) was moaning about Bromley's bin collection service yesterday and was fantasising about a UDI from the council and dealing with his own rubbish.Time for a quick anecdote - during a bin collectors' strike in NYC some years back, a popular solution was to gift wrap rubbish and leave it in an unlocked car.
Labels: Greenery
Apparently a common practice in Japan is to dump perfectly good electricals just because they are no longer shiny and new, so doubtless a wander around the suburbs of Osaka would lead to all sorts of useful discoveries.
Now this is what I call OCD.
I just restrict myself to hoarding old copies of Private Eye etc, broken computers, old mobile phones etc etc.
PCF - very kind of you to offer. I like to think that IT technology will advance to such a level in the future that broken hard drives will be brought back to life. After all, there is so much you can do with a couple of hundred meg...
Thanks for that PCF. I read somewhere that the thing to do with old hard drives is to take a sledgehammer to them - if you don't want the contents accessed....
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