Hard Rocking MPs...
An amusing, if unsourced, survey of sorts on the BBC site , wherein sundry MPs nominate their favourite albums. Quite a few Led Zeppelin fans and I'm not even remotely surprised that Tessa Jowell like the Beatles. Showing his usual insight, Mark Oaten (please - if only for your wife's sake will you just SHUT UP) reckons of the Human League's 'Dare' 'Every track is a killer, not a filler'. Uh-huh.
This sort of thing is almost as toe-curlingly awful as the Desert Island discs politicians get their spin doctors to choose for them.
Just this once, I'll lower the tone still further:
Robert Plant's 'Big Log'.
And Edwyn 'Orange Juice' Collins has recorded something called 'The Coffee Table Song'. Yes, really.
Interesting taste in music there Croydonian.
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