What's in the yellow press
The News of the World has followed up on Portillo, and reckons he has been having a full blown afair with a rather attractive Magyar. As ever, the devil is in the detail - he bought her a Louis Vuitton bluse (I thought they only made accessories) and "he would pay for a room at the Sofitel hotel, south west of the capital". Sounds like an airport hotel to me - very classy.....
Can't see anything interesting in the Sunday Mirror or the People - just celebrity bilge. And Amanda Platell in the Mule doesn't like George Michael.
The News of the World has followed up on Portillo, and reckons he has been having a full blown afair with a rather attractive Magyar. As ever, the devil is in the detail - he bought her a Louis Vuitton bluse (I thought they only made accessories) and "he would pay for a room at the Sofitel hotel, south west of the capital". Sounds like an airport hotel to me - very classy.....
Can't see anything interesting in the Sunday Mirror or the People - just celebrity bilge. And Amanda Platell in the Mule doesn't like George Michael.
Labels: Sleaze
'a snotty toulouse lautrec in chinos'.
Quality PCF, quality. I do hope I can find an opportunity to use that put down myself.
PFC - I can't say I've ever noticed his legs, but I will now!
Apparently English men are noted for that short legs / long trunk look (think Jagger) in France in particular.
Meanwhile, a rather amusing thread on on ugly candidates. Some of those mutants make the national figures named look like Errol Flynn or Grace Kelly.
Indeed. Not for nothing is politics called "showbiz for ugly people".
Mr PCF said: "the situation is so bad that people like Cameron are held up as good looking and sexy."
Palpably true. The same can be said of their sense of humour. At party conferences the "jokes" induce rapturous laughter in the faithful, yet leave the rest of us colder than a marble gravestone.
Never mind the cringeworthy singing which sometimes erupts. What is his name, that horrid little fair-haired creature once tipped at a future Tory PM? It escapes me. But not, alas, the memory of his tuneless solo and the witless lyric.
Curious - I read somewhere that the Spanish / Irish thing was an urban myth.
By no means, sir. My maternal grandfather was an Irish gentleman who, refusing to speak English or even Gaelic, insisted in conversing in Spanish, which he averred was the language of his ancestors. This caused a number of problems, leading to his eventual emigration to Spain: in which country he could also not be understood, for he spoke a dialect peculiar to the 16th Century. He thereupon travelled to polyglot London, which he found much to his taste.
It is a marvel that he ever managed to propose to my grandmother, but she was eccentric in other ways and may have been charmed by the Latin stubbornness of her beau.
PCF - I think the ugliest thing about Blair is his eyes. The emptiness gives me chills.
Re the Spanish in Ireland, this chap is less than convinced about numbers, shall we say?
Although I would note that some of the Galicians regard themselves as Celts, and engage in sundry Celtic bunfights with the Cambrians, Hibernians, Caledonians, Cornish, Bretons and Manx. Not that Gallego seems to have much of a trace anything Celtic to it.
you never quite know where this blog will take you which is one of it's charms.
I commiserate with PCF.It must be alarming to become a tardy,greasy bad lover overnight but these things happen.
On the plus side the garlic will keep the flies away from the house.
I say this with certainty because after discovering how Irish I was,I began to drink more,ate spuds like they were going out of fashion and walked around with a sense of guilt about all the tits I'd balanced in my life.
Best of luck with it El PCF
re portillo I'm reminded of that great question from Mrs Merton to Debbie McGee aka Mrs Paul Daniels
'what first attracted you to millionaire Paul Daniels?'
Olé begorrah, eh PCF?
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