The things you can pack into a minute....
Spotted this on a cinema site and thought it deserved a narrower audience:
Shades of the Monty Python 'Summarize Proust' sketch:
"The Royal Opera and The Royal Ballet come together in a special journey from a snowy Ukrainian picture-book village to the imperial splendour of the court of Catherine the Great. Vakula, the son of the witch Solokha, attempts to woo and win the beautiful but fickle Oxana. It seems hopeless, but when the Devil, a witch, forest sprites and a host of colourful characters are involved, he could be lucky after all! Tchaikovsky's music is packed with showpiece solos, dances and choruses: from grand polonaise to haunting chorus of water sprites to rustic revels – and there's a true Russian flavour with Alexander Polianichko as conductor and several star Russian singers".
Shades of the Monty Python 'Summarize Proust' sketch:
Labels: Light relief
It's clearly one not to miss.
...unless you blink. Slowly.
Salut mon vieux! Have just set up a facebook page "Liberal Democrats are racists" to celebrate the yellow peril's hypocrisy in having 57 white MPs out of 57. And they preen themseves on their "tolewance".
Amitiés and try and write more often, there's a good chap.
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