A cut out 'n' keep guide to the uselessness (or otherwise) of MEPs
Some helpful French types have created a site called Parloram.eu which allows simple querying of attandance and activity figures by party affiliation and nationality. It is in French, but anyone who can master these words - inverse, meilleurs, présence and activité will be able to data mine to his or her heart's content. Doffing of the fedora to Libération for bringing it to my attention.
So, based on combined presence and activity, bottom of the class for the UK is Chris Huhne. Much though it pains me to admit it, this is not really fair as the Huhnster stood down a year into the Parliament, so 'The moving finger writes; and having writ, moves on' to point at John Whittaker. Who he? A UKIP member for NW England, and its party chairman. Next worst is Godfrey Bloom, another UKIP-er, then Roger Knapman (UKIP), Trevor Colman (UKIP) and Graham Booth (Go on, guess. Yes he is). Lowest ranked non-UKIPistas are David Sumberg and Caroline Jackson, both Tories. The lowest ranked 20 breaks down thus:
UKIP - 10
Cons - 7
Lab - 1
LD - 2
At the other end of the scale, and clearly an apple-polisher, is this Parliament's greatest UK presentee - Sarah Ludford, a London Lib Dem, followed by Charles Tannock (Tory), Diana Wallis (LD), Lucas (Green) and Newton Dunn (LD).
Overall leader is Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, aSwede Greek EPP member. Bottom of the class is Umberto Bossi. One might note that attandance and activity is not necessarily going to be for the better, but having some figures to play around with is a start until such time as the EU manages anything approaching a decent standard of transparency.
As a footnote, there seem to be a lot of Green MEPS who are redheads. Cause? Effect? Grey seems to be the flavour of the month, hair-wise, for the EPP.
The site has since been pulled. Your friend and mine, the peerless Mr Eugenides has the details.
So, based on combined presence and activity, bottom of the class for the UK is Chris Huhne. Much though it pains me to admit it, this is not really fair as the Huhnster stood down a year into the Parliament, so 'The moving finger writes; and having writ, moves on' to point at John Whittaker. Who he? A UKIP member for NW England, and its party chairman. Next worst is Godfrey Bloom, another UKIP-er, then Roger Knapman (UKIP), Trevor Colman (UKIP) and Graham Booth (Go on, guess. Yes he is). Lowest ranked non-UKIPistas are David Sumberg and Caroline Jackson, both Tories. The lowest ranked 20 breaks down thus:
UKIP - 10
Cons - 7
Lab - 1
LD - 2
At the other end of the scale, and clearly an apple-polisher, is this Parliament's greatest UK presentee - Sarah Ludford, a London Lib Dem, followed by Charles Tannock (Tory), Diana Wallis (LD), Lucas (Green) and Newton Dunn (LD).
Overall leader is Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, a
As a footnote, there seem to be a lot of Green MEPS who are redheads. Cause? Effect? Grey seems to be the flavour of the month, hair-wise, for the EPP.
The site has since been pulled. Your friend and mine, the peerless Mr Eugenides has the details.
Labels: EU fun and games, fun with statistics
Erm, Trevor only became an MEP last autumn when Graham Booth stepped down on grounds of ill health.
Tim, I was thinking of adding a few caveats, including that and Villiers standing down some time back too.
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