Good grief
French censors have got rather carried away this week in the ongoing war against a certain 'custome lothsome to the eye, hatefull to the Nose, harmefull to the braine, dangerous to the Lungs, and in the blacke stinking fume thereof, neerest resembling the horrible Stigian smoke of the pit that is bottomelesse'.
Yes, smoking,
Here we see Audrey 'Amelie' Tautou on a poster for 'Coco Avant Chanel':

This has given the Paris Metro's authorities a fit of the vapours, and the poster has been banned. Shame, as the image is not unattractive.
It would seem that our Gallic chums have been making a habit of this, as this indignity has been inflicted on the sublimely talented Jacques Tati:
Well, who knows how many people would take up pipe smoking if they saw Tati with a pipe instead of a windmill? By the way, make haste to see 'Les Vacances de M.Hulot' and 'Jour de fête' either anew or for the first time, as they are both quite marvelous.
Mind you, we had some similar nonsense with Isambard Kingdom Brunel a while back, and doubtless Churchill will be depicted with a sugar-free lollipop ere long.
Yes, smoking,
Here we see Audrey 'Amelie' Tautou on a poster for 'Coco Avant Chanel':

This has given the Paris Metro's authorities a fit of the vapours, and the poster has been banned. Shame, as the image is not unattractive.
It would seem that our Gallic chums have been making a habit of this, as this indignity has been inflicted on the sublimely talented Jacques Tati:

Mind you, we had some similar nonsense with Isambard Kingdom Brunel a while back, and doubtless Churchill will be depicted with a sugar-free lollipop ere long.
Labels: France, idiots, Smoke gets in your eyes
Censoring Jacques Tati's pipe is, to my mind, a grotesque act of cultural vandalism. I read about it yesterday, but seeing it for the second time, I am feeling angry all over again. How dare they?
What kind of f**ked up priorities do these people have? Can you imagine La Mort de Marat having the blood carefully expunged?
The films of Tati are art. Great art. OK, so they're only censoring posters, not the films themselves. But nonetheless, I find it disgusting.
We live in dark and terrible times.
'Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain'
was when I, again, fell in amour.
She's not uneasy on the eye, but I found the film a bit chocolate-boxy.
As to French actresses, one is rather spolit for choice, but a more than honourable mention for the delightfully named Fanny Ardent when in her prime.
You are King James I and I claim my prize.
I would recognise that "counterblaste to tobacco anywhere."As Dr Lakelander and I gave up the foul weed 9 years ago, I would prefer any prize to be given in the shape of in Scottish...
It is rather good, isn't it? Maybe I should read it all the way through and see if it injects some common sense...
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