One in ten of the population of England has its DNA held by the police.
Technically, 9.6% or 4,906,467, compared to a population for England of 51M. Shocked? I am dumbfounded.
As Lord West of Spithead was good enough to break down the figures by policing region, I have compared those to county populations and graphed them. The highlight is the DNA-happy Northumbria police which holds DNA samples for 13% of the population. Note that Newcastle is policed by that constabulary. At the other end of the scale are Gloucestershire and Surrey at 6%. Note that constabularies do not always map neatly onto historic county boundaries, with the Thames Valley covering Bucks, Berks and Oxford.
As Lord West of Spithead was good enough to break down the figures by policing region, I have compared those to county populations and graphed them. The highlight is the DNA-happy Northumbria police which holds DNA samples for 13% of the population. Note that Newcastle is policed by that constabulary. At the other end of the scale are Gloucestershire and Surrey at 6%. Note that constabularies do not always map neatly onto historic county boundaries, with the Thames Valley covering Bucks, Berks and Oxford.

I ran out of enthusiasm before tackling Wales (Scottish data is not given), but 302,341 DNA samples are held for a population of 3,004,600, or 10% of the population.
Labels: crime and punishment, fun with statistics
It's worse than that, because in general, a DNA sample can be used to match families as well.
Good point. Diabolical, isn't it?
Scotland's slightly different, theoretically, in that the Police are obliged to remove samples from the database where there's no prosecution or conviction. I suspect the proportion of the population with a DNA record will be rather lower.
And yes, it is diabolical.
"I ran out of enthusiasm before tackling Wales..."
Figures would be suspect anyway, as most of the DNA will be very similar... ;)
Tut tut. I've got at least one Cambrian regular.
I think I've probably got some from the Cambrian era... ;)
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