A bit of gratuitous Jowell bashing
A video, not necessarily the original, has appeared at the Number 10 site:
Note that Tessa refers to the Olympic values of 'excellence, tolerance and friendship'. Yes she does, right there at about 40 seconds in. They are bland enough for Ahmadinejad and Kim Jong-Il to sign up to, and not even remotely in conflict with the policies of the 'People's Republic' of China.
However, a little digging reveals points one and two of the charter:
1. Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.
2. The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of man, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.
And what is the most basic ethical premise, one shared by every ethical system and every serious religion?: the Golden Rule, or do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Lest the Chinese government is uncertain how this might apply to cracking heads in Tibet, I offer this from the Analects:
Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself
Or from the Buddha:
One who, while himself seeking happiness, oppresses with violence other beings who also desire happiness, will not attain happiness hereafter
Meanwhile, Jowell is also noting the people in Downing Street to greet what is basically a rather stylised hurricane lamp, without being honest enough to say that they were hand picked.
Labels: 'People's Republic' of China, Jowell, London, WLOSAF
Whatever happened to punching above our weight?
I didn't watch the video as I couldn't have that stupid, venal woman's face polluting my computer.
JBG - beats me
Verity - A reasonable reaction.
Come now, Croydonian:
gra·tu·i·tous adj.
Unnecessary or unwarranted; unjustified.
There is no such thing as "gratuitous" Jowell-bashing.
Mr. E is right here, Mr. C.
Nothing gratuitous about it at all.
I'm with Verity on this.
O/T: Mr C, Ed's blog seems to have disappeared. Has he been interned for posting pictures of the snow over the weekend? Any info?
Gents - On reflection, yes, the odious Jowell deserves it all. And more.
Edland does appear to have sunk beneath the waves. I will e-mail him to see if Edland has surfaced elsewhere. DK last posted a snowy Brixton Hill / Streatham Hill scene, so I hope he isn't about to see his kitchen vanish.
I have been got at!
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