Greens to Gaullists - How *dare* you spend your own money
The Greens, or as I suppose I should call them, Les Verts, have got their mung beans in a twist over the cost of the UMP's congress to crown Sarko as a presidential candidate.
Yann Mehrling, for it is he, the surprisingly beardless Green spokesbod reckons to spend €3.5m to "announce the result of an internal show of democracy within the UMP is indecent and unjust". And why is this?: "Indecent in contrast to the stinginess of the government on social questions". His colleague Noël Mamère (who at least has a 'tache) thinks it is "an insult to everyone who lives badly in this country".
Looks like our Green chums are not very good at telling the difference between acts of government and acts by political parties. I do not recall them moaning about the Sego/DSK/Fabius death match, and doubtless the French Greens sat on the grass in Tuilleries for their annual bun fight and the whole process cost not a bean.
Yann Mehrling, for it is he, the surprisingly beardless Green spokesbod reckons to spend €3.5m to "announce the result of an internal show of democracy within the UMP is indecent and unjust". And why is this?: "Indecent in contrast to the stinginess of the government on social questions". His colleague Noël Mamère (who at least has a 'tache) thinks it is "an insult to everyone who lives badly in this country".
Looks like our Green chums are not very good at telling the difference between acts of government and acts by political parties. I do not recall them moaning about the Sego/DSK/Fabius death match, and doubtless the French Greens sat on the grass in Tuilleries for their annual bun fight and the whole process cost not a bean.
Labels: Art of not 'getting' it, France, Greenery
A trawl through French opinion polls yesterday leads me to believe that the Verts are much disappointed with their own poor showing of about 3%. Hence their bile about the UMP's pricey coronation for Sarko. JM Lepen is surging.He is on about 12% compared to 9% at the same point in 2002. And we all know how that turned out...
How is that different from the uproar that the Labour Party had to endure over the cost of Cherie's hair during the election?
I think it is a question as to where the money comes from. If it was out of CB's funds, I care not one jot.
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