A curious e-mail...
I cannot say that I write a great deal about issues involving household pets and the like, although cats have had the occasional mention in comments threads.
However, I have received this e-mail:
Dear blog author,
We recently came across your site, croydonian.blogspot.com, while searching for bloggers who blog about Cat issues.
A small group of us have started a new site called Cat Bloggers. Our intent is to bring Cat bloggers closer together, and make a positive contribution to the Internet community.
Would you be interested in joining Cat Bloggers? Please take a few minutes to have a look at what we are trying to do, and if you are interested, there is a sign up page to get the ball rolling. We would greatly appreciate your support in this endeavour.
If you do not feel that your blog would be a good fit for Cat Bloggers, but enjoy this subject area, come visit us and one of our member bloggers. You can also check our FAQ Section to learn more about Cat Bloggers.
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you on Cat Bloggers.
Craig Cantin
I am, to put it mildly, mystified. The sole post a blog search brought up was on diversity in fire brigades where I referenced cats being rescued from trees.
However, I have received this e-mail:
Dear blog author,
We recently came across your site, croydonian.blogspot.com, while searching for bloggers who blog about Cat issues.
A small group of us have started a new site called Cat Bloggers. Our intent is to bring Cat bloggers closer together, and make a positive contribution to the Internet community.
Would you be interested in joining Cat Bloggers? Please take a few minutes to have a look at what we are trying to do, and if you are interested, there is a sign up page to get the ball rolling. We would greatly appreciate your support in this endeavour.
If you do not feel that your blog would be a good fit for Cat Bloggers, but enjoy this subject area, come visit us and one of our member bloggers. You can also check our FAQ Section to learn more about Cat Bloggers.
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you on Cat Bloggers.
Craig Cantin
I am, to put it mildly, mystified. The sole post a blog search brought up was on diversity in fire brigades where I referenced cats being rescued from trees.
Labels: Blogging about blogging
El me dijo: Todavia no hay comentarios, so I will be the first.
How odd that they didn't even include a link. Of course, it may be being run by the cats themselves, in which case html may be difficult for them.
Or it could be a clever ruse of some sort. What kind of a surname is Cantin? I've never run across it before.
In which case it could be trap to ensnare non-repliers that bloggers who steer clear of cats will be cleaning out the litter trays or somesuch come the revolution .
Apart from the Spanish navigation comments, is blogger giving you local or London timestamps?
It also always asks me if I want to display non-secure information.
I wonder if there's a group on the net devoted to guinea pigs? (I have three!) So you don't have a cat, Mr C?
Justin, I think it is a racing certainty. They are pleasant enough beasties, although I have no desire to have a pet. Given that I can kill houseplants without even trying, it is probably just as well.
If we're onto dopey animal sites, you must check out the completely pointless but hilarious http://beedogs.com/
...at which you will find lots of photos of dogs dressed as bees....
why not adopt some children
you're a shoe in
You too? I had the same e-mail, and a quick search of the blog found no cats whatsoever. Bloody spammers.
There are dog-blogs, however, written by the mutts themselves... and gorillas, and
You seem to have excelled yourself here. As a nation of animal lovers, your pulling power could increase ten thousand fold at least.
Btw, I am trying to access you on Doughty Street tonight, but it keeps buffering again, no luck so far, but I have asked Mania what's happening his end.
Hey success, I have managed to see you now in your bright yellow shirt and loving every minute of it. Just remember Iain will have to go on holiday and will be looking for someone to step in his shoes...
Maybe it was put out by Purina phishing for cat names to do a mass mailing to domestic cats in good postcodes.
The best dressed man on 18 DS again Mr C.
That bloke from labourhome is very irritating, he lacks consitency in his own arguments. maybe a typical socialist but not much of a game to run rings round him.
You should have seen the socks - they were a brighter yellow still...
As an aid to Verity's odd Spanish issue, may I venture the following points:
I contribute to various blogs from computers in Spain and Gibraltar (this one Gib) and if there was something in Blogger which picked up on IP addresses then I would be the first to see things in Spanish. It doesn't. No issues here.
Also I post 1 hour ahead of the UK so my local time and system clock read 2:14.
Verity and Croydonian, I hope this helps.
However, Verity, may I say Español es un idioma maravilloso y muy fácil de aprender.
If you were ever out this part if the world usted sería daría la bienvenida muy.
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