Owners getting some of their property rights back - and the FoE do not like it all
Ever had your house extended? It can be a bit of a labourious regulatory process getting approval for the loft conversion, conservatory etc etc, and to my immense surprise the government has commissioned a report that will (apparently, because it has been part leaked) call for scrapping much of the regulation covering small scale domestic building work. (Source). Whether it acts on it is another story, but...
Showing their usual restraint and good sense, the so called Friends of the Earth (do they just exchange Christmas cards, or do they go on holiday together, I wonder?) reckon implementation would have "a devastating impact on the environment and local democracy". Note, we are talking about domestic extentions here, not building multi story car parks in Cotswold villages or nuclear power stations in the London parks. Yes, some extensions are ugly and poorly designed, but the same can be said of a great number of environmental activists.
Showing their usual restraint and good sense, the so called Friends of the Earth (do they just exchange Christmas cards, or do they go on holiday together, I wonder?) reckon implementation would have "a devastating impact on the environment and local democracy". Note, we are talking about domestic extentions here, not building multi story car parks in Cotswold villages or nuclear power stations in the London parks. Yes, some extensions are ugly and poorly designed, but the same can be said of a great number of environmental activists.
To be welcomed ! I have seen perfectly good proposals reduced to carbunkles by the frustrated architects working for LA's- But it is still tinkering around a system that has all but collapsed under the stewardship of the office of the DPM
how odd
firstly the govt says it intends to levy higher taxes on those who have improved their homes , enforced by local council with a right of entry , then it proposes to ake it easier for people to improve their homes.
hmmmmmmm I wonder what the motivation is?
Not to be welcomed . C you are always going to far with your religious support for anything that smells like teen spirit . I wish to be free not to a have look at disgusting loft conversions that are a blight on London and are unregulated development not "Needing a spare room". Developers are always a special case in the market in that they add no value and are in fact state hirelings begging from the "planning permission monopoly" Land C they aren’t making any more of it .
Another related vileness of the NuLab vandals is to free up development in back gardens .The point here C is while almost everyone hates it , almost everyone would do it for the money .
This is one of the many ways the market does not work. I also support the sustainable community’s bill against the market which will bring supernormal profits to bear eliminating choice and eventually restacking prices
The problem behind all of this is that people individually are obliged to make enslaving choices when unwanted liberty is forced upon them. Games theory if you like; common sense also
AND all of this freeing up of development is a smokescreen for exactly the sort of slash and burn planning deregulation Nu Lab are obliged acceded to having killed the SME economy , and having become the licklespitting lackey of big business in the worst possible way. Same with Immigration which has sacrificed the real economy to short terms "Market driven" big business gain. The market can only make a decision today . Some values are of much greater duration. For example, the institution of the Royal family that you want to sell to an American wax work museum.
NO Guthrum and C it is not to be welcomed it is yet another example of Nu Lab selling the family silver because they have pissed in the family allotment .
Is there nothing you would save from the fires of indiscriminate market forces C nothing? Do you remember the discussion of the close relationship the Nazis had with
Big business . they decided to go that way one day in a loft conversion noone objected to .
C is on the toboggan with his free market bobble hat flying in the wind.
( isn’t that Mutley funny )
fucking hell that was a bit wordy for ten to ten on a piss wet tuesday morning
Sorry pikey-peter , do you really live in a van ?
I worry about C he has a blow up Milton Friedman and .....its not healthy.
yes I live in a caravan in the village of scotton pinkey with my ex nazi uncle Bernhard.
Its all true.
..and your Phillipina maid who is 3 ft 6 , physically repulsive and lives under the van . Ok I accept that this appears unlikely but then...........you are somewhat unlikely in general.
I will never know , but the Scoton stuff is very funny almost Beachcomberish . C you are a fan , do you see the resemblance (apart from the shamefully fucking bad language) ?
Ohhhhh the enigma.
I do not have a blow up Milton Friedman. You bad man N.
Meanwhile, normal service is about to be resumed.
Re Scotton, I was revisiting for the first time in ages yesterday, and yes, it is extremely witty.
I wish to be free not to a have look at disgusting loft conversions that are a blight on London and are unregulated development not "Needing a spare room".
One person's blight is another person's delight. It sounds rather arrogant of you to say, "I want the government to stop people getting loft conversions because I don't like the look of them."
This is one of the many ways the market does not work.
There are indeed many way in which the market doesn't work. But there are many more ways the State doesn't work. I can't remember who said it, I think it was Churchill, but capitalism is the worst system there is... apart from all the others.
The problem behind all of this is that people individually are obliged to make enslaving choices when unwanted liberty is forced upon them.
Yes, if only the State would tell people what to do, they'd be so much happier.
The market can only make a decision today.
Wrong. Companies tend to have far greater foresight than the State, since the State, or more appropriately the government in control of it, generally only looks to the next election, while company's must think more long term to win big. If a management is seen as making decisions that bring a short term windfall at the expense of long term viability, they will be called a bad management. The Airbus Chinese bonanza is a case in point.
The market is not always perfect, but the cases when the State is any better are indeed rare. For example, some private oil prospecters in the American deep south damaged reservoirs seeking short term profits, by allowing oil into gas caps, water to reduce the permeability of oil, or injecting gas at too great a rate. However, these mistakes have also been made by governments.
Do you remember the discussion of the close relationship the Nazis had with
Big business .
Nice to see Godwin's Law continues to hold truth.
Josh I `m sure you wouldn’t want the Georgian Areas of London torn down and turned into carparks or indeed the precious bits of Urban green sacrificed to the great god “luxury flat” . Neither does anyone else ,including the people that erect these structures ,and those who live in them . The profit available which emanates entirely from the location, (ie the other Georgian Buildings), not the developer causes the one to act against the many .
They are actually stealing from the many ,as value comes only by the scarcity our loathing for such nastiness creates. There cannot be a market in valuable locations. It is a “game” , not a market and the first cheat wins . We therefore agree to stop this activity . The state is ,in this case, only a convenient expression of the community . Loft conversions are the same thing . The state as we see couldn’t care less . New Labour have special reasons for not caring .
So your opposition between private enterprise and the state is incorrect .It ignores natural communal expressions of people acting for their mutual benefit on a small scale . The State actually tends to dislike such intermediate groupings . The Conservative Party is on their side in many cases. This is particularly true when preserving long term value against the predations of the state and its corporate familiars ; especially the labour parties wish to finance more council housing and house cheap foreign Labour . This way its assists its mission to destroy SMEs. Free small scale organisations
The state is increasingly able to disguise its activities as the expression of free choice by asking the right people under the right circumstances only . For example there has almost no support for the cpz taxation project . Each area is separately consulted at the point when parking has become impossible and each acts selfishly at that point. Research into the wishes of the whole electorate is scrupulously avoided as it would give the wrong “free” answer,. Similarly free choice selectively allowed in a non market disguises the state’s will as withdrawing its power.
I think your view that companies tend to have longer term plans than the state is naieve . Such activities can only be paid for with supernormal profits provided by monopoly of imperfect markets It will suffice to say that it’s a bit more complex than that but I could elaborate if you wanted .Overall I would say there is a vital role for the state in regulating the operation of the market. No doubt you would accept that but as I have already disputed to your entire opposition it is a side issue really .
Never heard of Godwin`s law , but I assume it is a sneer at pseudo intellectuals of a callow sort . Well callow ; no unfortunately , pseudo …hope so . It did crop up for the only time I have ever seen it on this blog on the subject of the big corporation government ,only recently ,and that’s my excuse . Also I was only semi serious …oh alright fair cop.
Good post Josh we are all free marketeers here ,its only a question of the flavour ,so do not imagine you are not among friends . C himself ,despite his denial, is often to be seen kissing his blow up Milton Friedman and holding hands with it in the park. He would sell his own granny if the market told him to so you can expect plenty of support from our delight ful host
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