'Etiquette consulting'. Yes, really.
While doing a bit of a trawl, I chanced across an item at ABCNews.com on workplace ethics, featuring input from one Jodi Smith, "president of the etiquette consulting firm Mannersmith".
Ms Smith reckons the #1 workplace faux pas is gossip: "being the office gossip, especially if the rumors you spread tend not to be true. Gossiping fosters a negative environment at the office and reduces trust. It's unethical on two levels: it's bad to spread the rumors, and it's bad because of the effect it has on morale".
Erm, whenever I have been working in the real world, gossip is a morale builder, as if you are interested in what your colleagues are up to, you probably have some engagement with the company itself. I imagine that the working day at Mannersmith must be a bit on the dull side if the staff do not trade tales of who has been up to no good, where the business is going, who's up, who's down etc etc. (As a footnote, I was brainstorming 'team wrecking programmes' with a friend the other day )
In the interests of research, I steeled myself to have a look at their site, and surprise surprise, it is toe-curling, and features articles on such pressing issues as how to behave at the cinema, eating at one's desk and what to do at the beach. O tempora, o mores.....
Ms Smith reckons the #1 workplace faux pas is gossip: "being the office gossip, especially if the rumors you spread tend not to be true. Gossiping fosters a negative environment at the office and reduces trust. It's unethical on two levels: it's bad to spread the rumors, and it's bad because of the effect it has on morale".
Erm, whenever I have been working in the real world, gossip is a morale builder, as if you are interested in what your colleagues are up to, you probably have some engagement with the company itself. I imagine that the working day at Mannersmith must be a bit on the dull side if the staff do not trade tales of who has been up to no good, where the business is going, who's up, who's down etc etc. (As a footnote, I was brainstorming 'team wrecking programmes' with a friend the other day )
In the interests of research, I steeled myself to have a look at their site, and surprise surprise, it is toe-curling, and features articles on such pressing issues as how to behave at the cinema, eating at one's desk and what to do at the beach. O tempora, o mores.....
Office etiquette could be vitally important -These are some things I need to know - how to respond if promoted? What to do if you accidentally throw a stapler at some one - how to hide ones feelings if working with 1. a sexy lady or 2. a woman with a face like a baboon. or how to respond if the office comes under sustained small arms fire? Does the etiquette guide help with these modern problems - I shall consult it and see!
It would be remiss of me not to say 'Mutley, you snickering hound'.
Re promotion - maybe buy your colleagues a drink?
Re staplers - apologise, I would think.
Re colleagues of varying levels of attractiveness, think of the ugly one when with the attractive one and vice versa.
You can shove etiquette up your arse!
Come come Mutley a woman with a face like a baboon is neutralised by the proper placement of a bag over the head . Tsk tsk were you dragged up in slum ?
PH - Gloved or ungloved? And, indeed, material, colour etc?
N - Or on one's own, should said women be one's superior officer.
Mr C you have just reminded me of the first time i saw a video that contained a fisting scene , I wouldnt have thought it possible (nor desirable)but some folks do that stuff
You dont visit Canterbury anymore....have you moved to Istanbul or have you taken the veil......I see.....you eventually gave the Taliban a call......
PH - Thank you /so/ much for that... I will leave you to re-construct the lyrics of the Leather Nun's 'FFA' which, in part, reworks the lyrics of 'The Twist'.
Vikki - Just been a tad busy, but will see what His Grace is up to sooner rather than later.
I read PHITCH`s last comment as "fishing" and it made perfect sense to me . The PHITCH school of etiquette and deportment cannot be far off.
Vicki put your fingers in your ears and close you eyes until the nasty man goes away.
Thanks for all the useful tips - I am not sure she will appreciate the bag - but I'll give it a go!
One more quicky - How to respond to discovering a colleague masturbating in a cupboard? (This has happened to me and as a rather old school type I just was at a loss!)
Maybe he / she had a fetish for stationery? I suppose the thing to say would be 'will you be long?'.
I would suggest in future awaiting the crucial moment and then leaping in with a polaroid camera .Many years of blackmail quids will be yours for the taking. A swift kick in the cream crackers might not hurt .
Thats what I was taught at finishing scchool anyway.
(if a girl , make her continue .......hey hey hey)
never ever wipe your cock on the curtains.
glad to be of help
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