Very picky, Indian Maoists
Apparently you have to fill in a lengthy application form to join, with marital status, qualifications etc. My favourite bit is that they require a figure for annual income. So, if you are comfortably off, will you be vetoed as a class enemy, or be seen as an easy touch the next time there's a whip round for the party?
The Indian plod reckoned they were vetting applications because criminal acts by Indian Maoists were giving them a bad name. Unlike associating onself with a man and an ideology responsible for tens of millions of deaths, I presume?
The Indian plod reckoned they were vetting applications because criminal acts by Indian Maoists were giving them a bad name. Unlike associating onself with a man and an ideology responsible for tens of millions of deaths, I presume?
it must be said that the maoists in India are not very powerful.. pestersome yes, powerful no. but the communists (marxists) are quite powerful and have a stranglehold on the current government.. the state of west bengal which has been under their control for ages.. is where the highest level of privatization of state industries has taken place.. given their philosophy, it is rather ironic.... maybe there is some hope for them yet..
I knew about the West Bengal Communists and their privatisations, which are hugely amusing. The sundry Maoists seem to be more of a noise in Nepal and along the Himalayas where they are to predicatable behaviour.
yes.. most amusing indeed.. the maoists are a disgruntled bunch.. and yes their bark is worse than their bite.. they are i suppose best left amidst the mists of the mighty himalayas..
Our local post office was taken over by Maoists once - brave bunch they hung on till the last of 'em was shot!
lol.. ace.. guess labour need a lot more members with the same dedication I suppose..
Must be a trial being a Maoist postie in these parts - all those stamps with the queen's head on them.
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