Oh poor Mr Tony - diddums
From downingstreetsays.org:
"Asked by the editor of BBC On-line why the Prime Minister was so irritable this morning at the press conference the PMOS responded by saying the journalists had been rude in the way they had questioned the Prime Minister".
Poor sensitive soul that he is. How dare anyone question his wisdom, his imperial majesty etc
"Asked by the editor of BBC On-line why the Prime Minister was so irritable this morning at the press conference the PMOS responded by saying the journalists had been rude in the way they had questioned the Prime Minister".
Poor sensitive soul that he is. How dare anyone question his wisdom, his imperial majesty etc
Anonymous said... 2:41 pmGive them an ASBO, teach them respect, I bet that's what Blair is thinkg.
I imagine the Press is totally disenchanted with Blair and his spin and the whole farcical process of press conferences, knowing they never get a truthful answer from him.
Rigger Mortice said... 2:46 pm
the press has been an obedient servant over the years,it must be frustrating when the lap dogs turn on you
Anonymous said... 2:52 pm
His blurb the other day about ID cards was an object lesson in lying without actually lying . Or so I thought . It transpires that his claim that most of the cost would be in the passport biometric upgrade anyway , was an out and out lie
wistful thought - crime , immigration and so on were not caused by the absence of the ID card ( nor was identity theft).
Politically its always all icing and no cake.Just gimmicks to isult the intelligence of the electorate
(Not mine , I `m a bit thick)
The Hitch said... 3:13 pm
Whatever Blairs faults i cant say I recall ever having seen him dressed in yellow socks AND Chelsea boots. C maybe you need to get in touch with carol caplin( i wouldnt mind)
Anonymous said... 3:35 pm
Explains in part why he wants to keep the Royal Perogative to wage war to himself and not divest it to Parliament. Jan 1649 beckons
Serf said... 3:44 pm
He has been taking advice from the Turkish Prime Minister, who regularly sues journalists for insulting him. Look for a new law to be passed, banning Insulting Britishness.
Croydonian said... 3:50 pm
E - Now there's a thought, although I bet 'Fleet Street's' finest would love them.
N - I really don't think that TB can tell the difference between truth and non truth, frankly.
PH - not sure I'd want my negative aura or whatever it is called removed....
G - Certainly does. Can't imagine Oxford being a good place for TB to raise his standard though. Maybe somewhere in Geordieland?
S - /Good/ spot.
Anonymous said... 5:07 pm
The new law would ban being rude to a British prime minister. 'S all about respec', innit?
Jeff said... 5:12 pm
Well before the new law is passed may I just say,
Tony Blair is a F**k wit
May as well get the insults in before they cost.
Anonymous said... 5:17 pm
Splintered stick again I'm afraid.
I think we start an A-Z of insults.
A is for:
Jeff said... 5:19 pm
Good idea,
B is for B**tard
Anonymous said... 5:24 pm
Cue peter hitchens ...
Croydonian said... 5:26 pm
Oh dear. (Cough). C is for, erm, 'creep'?
Stan Bull said... 5:30 pm
I much prefer the bland incoherence of George W's press conferences to TB's monarchial audiences. I can't imagine what Gordo's conferences will be like. An audience with the Central Committee perhaps.As he barks at us on the latest pig iron production figures.
*I don't see why PH should hold the monopoly over the use of the word- cunt. Really. And for Blair I can think of no better epithet.
D is for...
The Hitch said... 5:37 pm
Pious Humanitarian?
Jeff said... 5:39 pm
D is for
Dangerously deluded D**KHead
Anonymous said... 5:41 pm
Buster, u don't get extra brucie bonus points for a double d or even triple. It's not scrable mate.lol
Jeff said... 5:42 pm
No but Gordon might just bump up my pension score
Croydonian said... 5:47 pm
IT - what a horrifying prospect, but it does sound horribly likely, doesn't it?
Can you imagine a worse person to be stuck in a lift with?
Stan Bull said... 5:49 pm
E is for an egotistical ejaculate who started eight wars in 5 years.
Jeff said... 5:57 pm
F is for
Faustian F**K WIt
The Hitch said... 6:12 pm
I is for Inane grinning imbecile
Anonymous said... 6:16 pm
G is for ghoulish. Remember the evil eyes poster generously illustrated by Istanbul Tory above?
(And could anyone who wasn't a ghoul be married to Cherie?)
G is also for Gordon, you should forgive the word, and for George, who I would prefer to be stuck in a lift with. First, he's cute. Second, his way with words certainly keeps one on one's mental toes.
Praguetory said... 6:25 pm
H is for hopeless
Anonymous said... 6:28 pm
I is for illiterate. I don't think he has ever read a single political biography or history book. No need. The world began the day he got elected.
(It was a tough call between illiterate and insane,which I genuinely believe he is.)
Stan Bull said... 6:36 pm
J is for Jesus, 'cos you know he does like to think of himself as a messianic figure.
The Hitch said... 6:40 pm
Has anybody bagged "w" yet?
Stan Bull said... 6:42 pm
J is for Prezza's Jissum. After all, he did the dirty deed in (non)working hours..At our expense.
Anonymous said... 6:49 pm
K is for Killer (of Iraqis)
Jeff said... 6:56 pm
I'm sure there is room for more than one W, after all the cabinet is full of W's
Anonymous said... 7:04 pm
L is for Lithuim - something that Blurt has been putting in the tap water since 1997. It's the only reason why some people still support him. Long live Volvic!
Stan Bull said... 7:09 pm
M is for Mandelson - the truly demonic, other half of the NuLabour project.Mandy's key role in the formation and direction of New Labour should not be over looked.
Anonymous said... 7:14 pm
K is also for Dr David Kelly. As David W mentioned killer ...
Anonymous said... 7:17 pm
Well said Verity.
P is for Proctologically proficient in the George W personage.
Jeff said... 7:20 pm
Q is for
Quantifiable Lunatic
Jeff said... 7:29 pm
R is for
Rabid Rapscallion
Anonymous said... 7:33 pm
S is for SOON - soon to be a convicted criminal in clink with a cell mate called bubba. Oh how Mandy would be jealous.
Anonymous said... 7:39 pm
S is also for swishy. He is the swishiest, hissiest prime minister in history. He makes Julian Clary sound like John Wayne.
Jeff said... 7:49 pm
Does that mean fanny the wonder dog signed the Hutton report?
Anonymous said... 7:50 pm
Shouldn't that be fanny the blunder dog.
Cherie does have a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp.
The Hitch said... 7:56 pm
Z is for zero
The sum total of Blairs positive achievements.
OK I have bagged "Z"
X is the difficult one.
My money is on Verity.
Anonymous said... 8:03 pm
T is for Tawdry Twat
Anonymous said... 8:04 pm
X is for xenophiliac. He loves everyone but the British.
Anonymous said... 8:05 pm
Oops - skipped a couple. Excuse me!
The Hitch said... 8:05 pm
If I go Greek I could also bag X but no doubt verity can come up with something more amusing than I can.
The Hitch said... 8:06 pm
Anonymous said... 8:07 pm
U is for unctuous.
The Hitch said... 8:13 pm
I have the perfect "X" for Blair
His signature!
Lets not forget that Anthony Lynton Blair misspelt his own name on his PPC application form.
Fucking brilliant, a prime minister who cannot even spell his own name.
Anonymous said... 8:18 pm
phitchens - "Lets not forget that Anthony Lynton Blair misspelt his own name on his PPC application form."
Are you serious????
Anonymous said... 8:19 pm
V is for vile, villainous and vacuous.
Anonymous said... 8:28 pm
So does that mean we went to war over a case of WKD? If so, R we on the wicked side?
The Hitch said... 8:53 pm
Yes Verity he really did
amongst other things
Praguetory said... 8:53 pm
I might fisk this list. I like the idea of having L as Lingering and M as Malingering.
The Hitch said... 8:56 pm
WKD does look like a chemical weapon,
and an empty bottle of it brandished by an angry geordie woman or scot could probably do a lot of damage.
The Hitch said... 9:07 pm
L is for lisping mincing friend of Gordon.
Anonymous said... 9:23 pm
Ok. So, how about we do a A-Z of song titles for the tosser? A true dedication.
Lets do away with the obvious like
"Gordon is a moran" by the Jilted John (reid) - if gordy doesn't come good for him.
A is for Always and for ever (sung by heatwave)
Jeff said... 9:34 pm
I bagsy R For Rock the Casbar,
even if cherie don't like it
The Hitch said... 9:58 pm
"see emily play"
originaly by pink floyd , later adapted as the soundtrack to a porn film where tony blair lives as an adult baby giving blow jobs to rich texans/italians who may just give him a job one day?
Anonymous said... 10:30 pm
E is for Emily.
F is for friend of Dorothy.
Anonymous said... 10:35 pm
Prague Tory - Lingering is good. Malingering not. He is not a malingerer, which is part of the problem. He is busy, busy, busy, busy - new thoughts, new eyecatching initiatives, off to save Africa, off to the White House, off to California, off to Italy, off to Barbados, ordering Blair Force 1, off to Singapore to save the Olympics,off to Blue Peter, off to a conference on "climate change", immediate new laws for "climate change" ... God, if only he malingered much more, he would not have caused half the damage he has done to this country.
Stan Bull said... 5:26 am
TB may be one step from the political grave but he shows no sign of going quietly or quickly. He is no malingerer. He is... Emily- a mass of activism and self-righteousness in pursuit of his own greater glory... at the expense of the national interest.
Rigger Mortice said... 8:57 am
and there was me at home getting lectured by mrs mortice ion how I should od more cooking.
k is also for Kunt#!!
Croydonian said... 9:57 am
Summing up, 'tis fair to say that TB is not very popular with my readers....
Anonymous said... 12:59 pm
IT - Sing it, bro'!
Rigger Mortice said... 1:06 pm
you are a master of understatement
that thread is up there with the peter hitchens thread on guido for making me laugh.great cabaret
Anonymous said... 2:47 pm
The DT says Tony's in a panic. Warmed the cockles of my heart, that did.
Anonymous said... 2:56 pm
Wait a minute! This thread is not finished. We never did Y or Z.
Y is for yodelling yokel.
Anonymous said... 3:02 pm
Peter boxed Z with Zero.
Y is for Yank.
Clearly Teflon Tony Phony is as popular and welcoming as Syphilis. I wonder if that's why he has the crazies in his head.
Croydonian said... 3:03 pm
Missed 'N' too - Narcissist.
Anonymous said... 3:13 pm
Teri - Oh, OK. But I want to nominate Zealot.
And Zymotic. Chillingly apt definition of zymotic:
Infection by the action of a ferment, bacterial, diffused by germs, originating from decomposition, deliterious, injurious, pernicious, noxious, noisome, pestilential, endemic, pandemic,epidemic, communicable, catching, virulent, toxic, deadly, septic.
You can't say fairer than that.
Anonymous said... 3:41 pm
Verity - very funny.
I forgot T for Tyrannize.
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