The impact of the female franchise on elections in the UK, France and elsewhere
Comparing election results 20 years before and after the enfranchising of women in various countries seems a reasonably valid way of measuring the impact of the female franchise, and ironing out other factors. Quite apart from extensions of the franchise to men….Not perfect, but it will have to do.
Partial female franchise from 1918, equal franchise from 1928.
1998-1917. Blue 5 years, Yellow 15. I’m counting the war coalition as yellow, as it was led by Liberals.
1919-1938. (Confused somewhat by the 3rd Ramsey MacDonald administration, which I’ve termed Blue) Blue 13, Yellow/Red 7.
Women were enfranchised in 1944, and there were no free elections under the Occupation. Defining right and left in France pre-war is like trying to pick up mercury with a fork, but I have done what I can. Post war is not much easier, as French political parties tend to be individual egos writ large more than parties of principle (see passim…). Here’s the wikipedia list of French prime ministers for anyone who fancies their chances of separating craie from fromage.
1921-1940 – Blue 5 ¾ Red 9 ¾, unknown/unclear 4 ½
1947-1966 Blue 10 ½ years Red etc 9 ½ years
Female franchise from 1920
1900-1919 Rep 14, Dem 6
1921-1940 Rep 12, Dem 8
Female franchise from 1918
1898-1917 Blue 15 Yellow 5
1919-1938 Blue 8, Red 12
Anyone who fancies 'doing' other countries is welcome. Although I consider Nazism and Fascism to be leftist heresies, elected governments that morphed into dictatorships cannot be fairly compared with proper democracies, and elsewhere, the history of PR elected governments make a clear-cut division of right and left the devil's own job.
Further updates in a bit, but it looks very much like La Toynbee has made a pretty sweeping assumption.
Sieghart made the even more incredible claim that if woman hadn't won the vote Labour would have won every election since the Second World War. Tom Watson claims to have done some research and established she is talking crap - which was pretty obvious anyway. It's remarkable that us bloggers get attacked for not researching what we write. These journos get paid and don't seem to care about making unsubstantiated claims.
Just remember it is a woman's perogative to change her mind, as Blair is now discovering. Let's hope they swing the other way again. Your facts are intersting, it would be useful to have the full data, but it must be time consuming.
Did you see me on BBC News 24 last night, btw?
Ellee, as it is for we chaps too. Hacking out the French figures was murder...
I didn't, no. I was out shooting the breeze with Dizzy. What were you talking about?
One of the many admirable qualites of the Swiss is the fact that they waited until 1971 before allowing women to vote.
A step too far IMHO.
Ithink a good case could be made against Polly in this case that she is guilty of sexual stereotyping.
Oh the irony...
On this Remembrance Day, God bless all those who died for our freedom to elect our own governments and not have governments imposed on us.
Very interesting !
However, please permit me to note that associations may indicate a cause-effect relationship or may be caused by a third common factor.
I consider Nazism and Fascism to be leftist heresies
True! Unfortunately, only very few are aware of this fact.
Just watching this programme about the battleof the somme
my great grandfather harry dewsbury was there with the manchesters , have to confess i have shed a tear or two
Thank you so much for your great grandfather,phitch.
Verity - amen to that.
CU - Yup, it does look a bit like
it, doesn't it? Still, why let the facts stand in the way of a theory, eh?
Colin - I recommend reading the Nazi party manifesto to anyone who disputes that fact. And here it is.
Thanx for reply, o sage of CR1.
A minor slip - nom de plume is franglais for nom de guerre.
I suspect the BNP are the extreme centre, in that they're right wing on crime & immig, but I doubt they're against the big State. Probably want more spending on white families, like U-know-who in France.
I believe I'm correct in saying that since Sviss women got the vote, there hasn't been 50% turnout in anything. The Damen/Frauen/ Signore never asked for the vote.
S - I see the BNP as very much collectivists. I sniff around their website every once in a while to see what they are up to.
Doesn't surprise, the Swiss being as they are, voting is probably viewed as an unacceptable interruption to the serious business of making money.
Er Nein/non/no, the Swiss chappies are very keen to vote, it's les dames who -dare I say it? - prefere their d*m*st*c d*t**s.
Now I must go & study your figs on the
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