Apparently over the Menezes shooting, so I have done a little digging around on the IPCC.
In the 'About the IPCC' section it claims:
The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) became operational on 1 April 2004. It is a new Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB), funded by the Home Office, but by law entirely independent of the police, interest groups and political parties and whose decisions on cases are free from government involvement.
It is currently led by Nick Hardwick who has chaired the Refugee Council with John Wadham, late of the NCCL as his deputy. Among others, there is Ian Bynoe, previously associated with that hot bed of right wingery, the IPPR. A number of others are described as 'human rights' lawyers (see passim) .
Apparently over the Menezes shooting, so I have done a little digging around on the IPCC.
In the 'About the IPCC' section it claims:
The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) became operational on 1 April 2004. It is a new Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB), funded by the Home Office, but by law entirely independent of the police, interest groups and political parties and whose decisions on cases are free from government involvement.
It is currently led by Nick Hardwick who has chaired the Refugee Council with John Wadham, late of the NCCL as his deputy. Among others, there is Ian Bynoe, previously associated with that hot bed of right wingery, the IPPR. A number of others are described as 'human rights' lawyers (see passim) .
This isn't quite a propos your post, Croydonian, so apologies for the tangent, but am I the only person in the entire Anglosphere who thinks there may be more to the de Menezes story than we know?
explain verity that soiunds interesting.personally,I believe if he hadn't been here he wouldn't have got shot
No problems with tangents. A google of 'menezes conspiracy' brings up an awful lot of hits, but nothing particularly precise.
This is one of the more coherent theories I've found.
You do find some curious links PCF.
Rigger - I really don't know. Just a hinky feeling. I find it inconceivable that the police would follow the wrong man for such a period of time and then put six bullets into his brain. I think they got their target ... but I don't why.
It goes without saying I could be wrong ... but there's something about this story that doesn't hang together.
PCF - I don't know what the point of a political blog is if a poster is going to be subject to gratuitous abuse for trying to introduce an idea for others to consider and discuss if it engages their interest.
I also don't know why you think that calling someone who has ideas you don't like insane is either witty or acceptable.
PCF - Please will you retract that.
My only 'rule' is that I will not allow people participating here to insult other participants. Fair?
Are we cool, people?
That's pretty good, isn't it?
My fave headline is still 'Steps to help hill farmers urged'. Or maybe 'Colette - grand old lady of French letters'.
Yes, peeps. Cool.
Let's get back to the theorising and the meandering.
Not quite, but almost hitting the sack...
I'm always more than a bit leery about conspiracy theories (with any of them, think how many people have to keep their mouths shut), but that notwithstanding governments lie, lie some more and then lie again to their electorates.
For me the great dividing line between me and and my left-leaning mates is that I am always wary when the state is claiming to be doing things for our benefit, whereas they are more trusting. Ideology to one side, maybe I'm too cynical, but I doubt it.
PCF - for what it is worth, I am way more hawkish on matters Israeli than any of my Jewish friends. One of whom made quite a scene at a wedding some year back when called upon to make the loyal toast (The Queen, and the President of Israel - in that order) at a wedding and averred he was quite happy to toast the Queen, but could not in conscience toast the President until such time as there was a deal with the Arabs.
Anyway, I do not expect to have an Amen Corner in the people who are good enough to post here (it would be fearfully dull if they did, and dangerously inflatory of my ego), but rather am more than happy to see ideas chewed over so long as it is ideas, and not posters, in the firing line.
One cannot be too cynical or too rich, Croydonian.
PCF - My question is the obvious one: why would a government want to murder its own people? (I mean a government not in Africa, the Middle East or S America.)
Conspiracy theories leave me, by and large, stifling a yawn. I think 7/7 was caused by four inadequate young egomaniacs brought up in an authoritarian religion which is at odds with every civilisation in the world, including the civilisation they lived in.
I don't think there is any depth to which Tony Blair would not stoop if it were in his personal interests. I just don't think bombing London Transport qualifies. Any time you get an event, you get a conspiracy theory.
Rigger Mortice, I agree that if Menezes had gone home when his permission to stay expired, he would not have been shot in a London Tube.
Just arrived at this commentary...
Try reading this(apologies if it's been mentioned before) it's by J.K.Galbraith. Tis nice to know that some people still hold to the view that guilt should first be proven.
Regards ScotsToryB
Thanks for that - an interesting read. However, in the light of the video tapes made by the bombers, it would appear that they knew what they were doing.
PCF - You forgot the assassination of JFK!!!! You didn't mention the grassy knoll! Did you know there was only ONE gunshot fired from the book depository window???? The second shot came from a different angle!!!!! The grassy knoll!! Lee Harvey Oswald was framed because he had been married to a Russian!!!!!
The truth is, it was LBJ and the Texas mafia who were pulling the strings so LBJ could be president and begin the Great Society giveaway! It all hangs together when you hang upside down in the moonbat cave and study the facts.
Come on Verity, there are much better Kennedy theories out there.
The link is courtesy of, and not all of them seem to work. I wonder why the site was taken down....
Meanwhile, alt.conspiracy.jfk is still going strong.
Croydonian - thanks, but I cannot imagine devoting even two minutes to visiting a conspiracy theory site, aka as moonbat cave.
Verity, hold your nose and dive in. The website's title is 'The Ten Wackiest Kennedy Conspiracy Theories'.
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