Big Nanny baring her teeth...
Latest from the DoH is talk of raising the legal age of cigarette smoking to 18 from 16. While policing the alcohol laws is difficult, that will be as nothing to this prospect. Doubtless there will be police snatch squads swooping on school playgrounds etc, demanding ID from people in the street etc etc. And, lowering the tone briefly, one has to feel for those couples exercising one of the rights that accrue at 16 and then having to wait two years before lighting up.
Way back lost in the mists of time when I was at school, I was one of the very few of my circle who didn't smoke, mainly because being a fussy eater I didn't eat school dinners and therefore didn't have the cash to spend on Benson & Hedges' finest, unlike others. I can't help but think that allowing parents to pay up front for school dinners would be a far more cost effective, and considerably less intrusive, way of dealing with underage smoking.
Less legislation, more sense, please.
Latest from the DoH is talk of raising the legal age of cigarette smoking to 18 from 16. While policing the alcohol laws is difficult, that will be as nothing to this prospect. Doubtless there will be police snatch squads swooping on school playgrounds etc, demanding ID from people in the street etc etc. And, lowering the tone briefly, one has to feel for those couples exercising one of the rights that accrue at 16 and then having to wait two years before lighting up.
Way back lost in the mists of time when I was at school, I was one of the very few of my circle who didn't smoke, mainly because being a fussy eater I didn't eat school dinners and therefore didn't have the cash to spend on Benson & Hedges' finest, unlike others. I can't help but think that allowing parents to pay up front for school dinners would be a far more cost effective, and considerably less intrusive, way of dealing with underage smoking.
Less legislation, more sense, please.
Labels: Big Nanny
started smoking at 15 I is bizzarre in the extreme that this govt is all about understanding when it comes to mainlining and crackheads who wish to have kids young but gets ready to take the kids of people who smoke.
More importantly if everyone stopped GB would be left to find another £3 billion for the NHS from somewhere else
I've got a bit of weakness for cigars and have been smoking on and off since my early 20s, and blame no-one but myself. Anyway, as hooked as I might be, it as nothing compared to how hooked the treasury is on the revenue.
Always supposing all smokers went cold turkey tomorrow, I hate to think how drivers would get clobbered in order to make up the revenue shortfall.
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