Prospects for a 'Riverdance' tour of the DPRK poor
And for why?:
"The Korean dancing technique is the dance representation method peculiar to the nation, which was created in such a manner as to suit the people's constitution, aesthetic sense, ideological sentiment and living custom. Pliant and elegant is the dancing with movements of arms as the main, properly combined with leg movements".
Don't think the toiling masses would be impressed by the arms stapled to the sides moves of our Hibernian neighbours.
Elsewhere, "The Pyongyang Maternity Hospital has recently made sungnyung, a Koryo medicine, which helps toward the treatment of patients and promotion of the health of working people. (What about loafers and slackers?). The chief ingredient of this health drink is Koryo medicine and it proves effective against oxidation (erm, isn't that another word for rusting?), cancer, inflammation, etc. and good for increasing vigor and vitality and treating women's diseases". And what's more, "It is called sungnyung medicine as it is so prepared as to taste like sungnyung (scorched-rice tea), a favorite drink of the Koreans from olden times".
A little light googling has failed to shed any light on what Koryo could mean, other than a martial arts move and a Korean dynasty. The mystery, much like soup, thickens.
"The Korean dancing technique is the dance representation method peculiar to the nation, which was created in such a manner as to suit the people's constitution, aesthetic sense, ideological sentiment and living custom. Pliant and elegant is the dancing with movements of arms as the main, properly combined with leg movements".
Don't think the toiling masses would be impressed by the arms stapled to the sides moves of our Hibernian neighbours.
Elsewhere, "The Pyongyang Maternity Hospital has recently made sungnyung, a Koryo medicine, which helps toward the treatment of patients and promotion of the health of working people. (What about loafers and slackers?). The chief ingredient of this health drink is Koryo medicine and it proves effective against oxidation (erm, isn't that another word for rusting?), cancer, inflammation, etc. and good for increasing vigor and vitality and treating women's diseases". And what's more, "It is called sungnyung medicine as it is so prepared as to taste like sungnyung (scorched-rice tea), a favorite drink of the Koreans from olden times".
A little light googling has failed to shed any light on what Koryo could mean, other than a martial arts move and a Korean dynasty. The mystery, much like soup, thickens.
Labels: DPRK-watch, Health and inefficiency
IANAD (I am not a doctor) but as far as I understand it, oxidation is pretty much what kills us. Oxygen starts to become a poison to you as you get older.
For reasons of interest to no-one, I have a SOAS library card and am paying a visit there tomorrow.
I once accidentally encountered the shelves housing the collected works of Kim Il Sung and - if I can find them again - am minded to borrow a few volumes to tide me over the festive period.
If I unearth any gems, the Croydonian online community will of course be the first to hear, although I suspect we none of us shall be holding our breath.
Excellent stuff. I doubt that they will be well-thumbed, frankly.
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