Very sensitive, the Spanish
Following on from the fun and games in July, in which a Spanish mag got itself in agua caliente over a cartoon showing Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos de Borbón y de Grecia and Princess Letizia getting, erm, friendly, a new front in protecting the dignity of the Borbóns has been opened up:
Over to El País for the details:
"High Court prosecutors opened an investigation Friday into a group of Catalan nationalists who burnt photos of the Royal Family on Thursday night...The public destruction of images of the king and Queen Sofía may constitute an act of “defamation against the highest representation of the state,” the chief High Court prosecutor...said yesterday. The crime carries a sentence of between six months and two years in prison".
For the love of God, get a grip people. This country's monarchy has survived Croydonian Situationist Jamie Reid putting a safety pin through the Queen's nose, The Sun photoshopping 'slitty eyes' on to the Duke on its front page, an over-familiar Paul Keating, Salman Rushdie being rude in that book, Cherie Blair refusing to curtsey etc etc. And that is before we consider the savagery of Gillray and Cruikshank to Her Maj's predecessors ...
Apart from anything else, what of the lèse majesté inherent in copies of El Pais, ABC, El Mundo et al being disposed of by way of pulping or burning? Or the incineration of euro bank notes?
Over to El País for the details:
"High Court prosecutors opened an investigation Friday into a group of Catalan nationalists who burnt photos of the Royal Family on Thursday night...The public destruction of images of the king and Queen Sofía may constitute an act of “defamation against the highest representation of the state,” the chief High Court prosecutor...said yesterday. The crime carries a sentence of between six months and two years in prison".
For the love of God, get a grip people. This country's monarchy has survived Croydonian Situationist Jamie Reid putting a safety pin through the Queen's nose, The Sun photoshopping 'slitty eyes' on to the Duke on its front page, an over-familiar Paul Keating, Salman Rushdie being rude in that book, Cherie Blair refusing to curtsey etc etc. And that is before we consider the savagery of Gillray and Cruikshank to Her Maj's predecessors ...
Apart from anything else, what of the lèse majesté inherent in copies of El Pais, ABC, El Mundo et al being disposed of by way of pulping or burning? Or the incineration of euro bank notes?
Labels: Common sense? What's that?, Spain
Is this anything to do with what are sometimes referred to as "Spanish practices"? Ole..
the problem was not what the Prince and wife were pictured doing, but that the cartoon was jocking about the new electoralist measure of Zapatero: the baby-check.
There has been another case: a marketing campaign ad also was mocking about that with Zapatero's photo on it and Presidency asked the company to stop using the ad.
NOTE. As the most part of Spanish young people, I am not very "monarchic"... But in this case, the Royal Family has nothing to do with the real cause of the attack to the cartoon.
Vorzheva - Fair point. Thanks for the local insight.
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