Euro youth speaks....
In its constant effort to provide me with raw material, the EU has come up trumps again: a Eurobarometer poll of Euro yoof (18-30) on matters EU and the like.
Offered the choice of describing the EU as "A lot of bureaucracy, a waste of time and money", 59% of Finns agreed, with a majority thinking the same in
Asked what the EU will bring in 10 years' time, the Czechs seem the most signed up to a Euro Nihilist position, with an impressive 23% thinking it will have gone the same way as the Hapsburg monarchy. 16% of Britons polled, and 10%+ agreed in 21 out of 27 states.
Clearly the youth of
As to the best way to ensure that one’s voice is heard by policymakers, the top choice for Spanish youth is demonstrating – 25%. Italians, Cypriots, Germans, Gauls also rate it one of their top three choices. For our youth it is participating in debates followed by the staggeringly pointless activity of signing petitions, and rather unexpectedly, joining a union. Elsewhere, our Euro Nihilist chums in the
As to useful qualities in finding a job, 22% of Swedes reckon that having a good appearance is key, second only to communication and teamwork skills.
More later, perhaps, although this is in part dependent on maintaining a stable internet connection.
Labels: EU fun and games
...Clearly the youth of Europe are big on self-deception, as only 19% admit to watching TV regularly...
This may be so, Mr. C. I believe there are other ... er ... pasttimes they get up to nowadays.
A clear majority of Magyar(and I daresay the rest of E European) Youth are not actually aware they've joined the EU I wouldn't read too much into it.
James - Quite possibly... I still think they are being less than candid though.
Paul - Ignorance, in this context, is bliss I imagine
Only 44% of Brityoof agreed that the EU was a waste of time & money etc. That's because the other 56% probably have no idea where Europe is.
The Euro-TV watching bit is also probably right - after all who wants to stay at home watching yet another boring repeat when they can be out skiing, or disco-ing, or sitting with mates with a cold beer at a wayside cafe somewhere in Europe watching world go by on a nice balmy evening.
It is interesting to look at the country table for tv. UK =14.3% is one of the lower watchers, although the Germans only = 7.9%. Portugal & Span seem to be the biggest western watchers at 44.8 & 25.2.
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