That poll in The Telegraph
Which is here, includes the priceless finding that 20% of the population consider Broon to be, get this, 'cheerful and outgoing'. In comparison to on duty undertakers? Angsty adolescents? Small children that have failed to win an egg and spoon race?
Surely an indication of the lack of accurate perception by this section of the population?
These people simply see what they wish to see. Since they vote Labour anyway, one should hardly find their deficiencies surprising.
Indeed your Grace, but comical nevertheless.
Perhaps it was a small survey and the 20% comprised people like Quentin Letts and Anne Trenneman. The ironic community?
Perhaps "outgoing" is a reference to the fact that Brown won't be in office for long...
Who cares? What's to replace him? Alan Johnson? Heather Blears? Some other apparachik whose name and face I can't even recall?
Or David Cameron?
What on earth is the difference?
using this as a scale, how would they describe Lenny Henry?
Surely one cannot extrapolate the answers given by 20% of the people asked to also apply to 20% of the entire population? Ask the question in say Liverpool and I suspect you would get a considerably different result from the same question asked in say Torquay. Lies, damn lies and statistics... Some of these polls really are up the pole.
how would they describe Lenny Henry
Probably as white and funny.
CU - You do wonder, don't you?
Perhaps he will be a childrens TV presenter when his Lord Protectorate ends.
Geoff - V good!
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