Our man in Stanley has to explain things to the UN - again
Because it is having 'Seminar on Decolonization', which fortunately for all concerned is being held in Grenada rather than overlooking the East River.
Since it has not been listening, over to Richard Davies, the Territory’s representative: "who stated that the “clear and informed” wish of the people in the Territory was to continue the present association with the United Kingdom. They did not seek independence or integration. It was a voluntary partnership, based on self-determination, and was not a colonial relationship. They did not wish the British Government to negotiate their sovereignty with Argentina. “Falkland Islanders are strongly opposed to Argentine sovereignty, and no one who visits the Falklands could have any doubt about that.” As the Territory had never been part of Argentina, territorial integrity was not a valid argument. The people did not want to become a colony of Argentina". “It is the people of the Falkland Islands who should be deciding their own future, not the Argentine and British Governments,” he said. Annually, the General Assembly passed a resolution calling for negotiation between the United Kingdom and Argentina, although the population of the Territory were “vehemently” opposed to that.
Naturally the Argentinian bod saw things differently, but I think Davies came up with the master stroke: "In a short discussion following the statements, the representative of the Territory took issue with the historical overview and found it “ironic” that Argentina came to the Seminar to seek support for colonization, which was “absurd and immoral”.
Meanwhile, the Governor made his state of the nation speech yesterday, noting inter alia the visit of parliamentarians and others in June. As we have Lord Parkinson, Nicholas Winterton and Liam Fox on our side as opposed to Labour's sole representative Adam Ingram, I hope they will rag him mercilessly all the way from Brize Norton to Stanley and back again.
Geoff has kindly included a sizeable story from the Gib press related to this theme in the comments, for which thanks - well worth the read.
Since it has not been listening, over to Richard Davies, the Territory’s representative: "who stated that the “clear and informed” wish of the people in the Territory was to continue the present association with the United Kingdom. They did not seek independence or integration. It was a voluntary partnership, based on self-determination, and was not a colonial relationship. They did not wish the British Government to negotiate their sovereignty with Argentina. “Falkland Islanders are strongly opposed to Argentine sovereignty, and no one who visits the Falklands could have any doubt about that.” As the Territory had never been part of Argentina, territorial integrity was not a valid argument. The people did not want to become a colony of Argentina". “It is the people of the Falkland Islands who should be deciding their own future, not the Argentine and British Governments,” he said. Annually, the General Assembly passed a resolution calling for negotiation between the United Kingdom and Argentina, although the population of the Territory were “vehemently” opposed to that.
Naturally the Argentinian bod saw things differently, but I think Davies came up with the master stroke: "In a short discussion following the statements, the representative of the Territory took issue with the historical overview and found it “ironic” that Argentina came to the Seminar to seek support for colonization, which was “absurd and immoral”.
Meanwhile, the Governor made his state of the nation speech yesterday, noting inter alia the visit of parliamentarians and others in June. As we have Lord Parkinson, Nicholas Winterton and Liam Fox on our side as opposed to Labour's sole representative Adam Ingram, I hope they will rag him mercilessly all the way from Brize Norton to Stanley and back again.
Geoff has kindly included a sizeable story from the Gib press related to this theme in the comments, for which thanks - well worth the read.
Labels: Falklands, United Nations
Regrettably, www.chronicle.gi does not seem to allow direct links to stories, so I'm forced to post it in its entirety. My apologies.
Joe Holliday, deputy Chief Minister, has told the UN Grenada seminar that Gibraltar is decolonised and that it is for the UN itself to delist the territory. According to official UN reports he told the Caribbean Regional Seminar on the implementation of the Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism that the people of Gibraltar had approved a new Constitution, recognised by the Government of the United Kingdom, which gave practical self-government to the territory with some residual powers for the United Kingdom.
“That was the relationship with the United Kingdom that the Territory’s people wanted, and it was not a colonial relationship. The United Kingdom had recognized the acceptance of the Constitution after a referendum as an act of self-determination. He announced that the United Nations should not further concern itself with the decolonisation of Gibraltar and that all that remained was de-listing, a matter purely for the United Nations itself,” said the UN report from St George, Grenada.
It added that the representative of Spain, however, had said the text of the Constitution had been submitted to the people of Gibraltar in non-legal consultations and that the process had not taken place within the framework of the United Nations. The so-called self-government was limited, and article 10 of the 1730 Treaty of Utrecht gave Spain the right of sovereignty over Gibraltar. Sovereignty matters were of a bilateral nature between Spain and the United Kingdom, he said.
Several speakers reportedly regretted that the Seminar was used by some States to further their own agenda regarding sovereignty disputes. It was pointed out that the phrase in one of the recommendations from last year’s Seminar — “in the process of decolonization, where there are no disputes over sovereignty, there was no alternative to the principle of self-determination, which is also a fundamental human right” — did not reflect the opinion of Seminar participants, but solely of Spain and Argentina. They should not be allowed to “hijack” the Seminar, said the UN report.
Meanwhile participants heard that decolonisation could truly be considered a United Nations success story according to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
In a message read out by Freda Mackay, Chief, Decolonisation Unit, United Nations Department of Political Affairs, Mr. Ban said that achieving self-government for the peoples of the world had been one of the cardinal goals of the United Nations since its inception. Under the organization’s auspices, nearly 750 million people had benefited from the exercise of the right to self-determination. The annual Regional Seminars were organized to provide a forum for the 2 million people living in the 16 remaining Non-Self-Governing Territories to air their views about the unique problems they faced.
Addressing the role of the Special Committee in facilitating the decolonisation of the Non-Self-Governing Territories within the framework of the Second International Decade, the Chairperson of the Seminar, Margaret Hughes Ferrari ( Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), said that the Committee’s one essential task was the “de-listing” of Non-Self-Governing Territories. With only two and a half years left in the Second International Decade, it was essential to focus the next steps in decolonisation on tangible results for all concerned.
It was important, she said, “to recognize an act of self-determination when we see one”. Instead of automatically discounting the “status quo” situation in its entirety, possibilities could be considered among the array of legitimate “transitions to self-determination”, provided that the people of the territory had had the opportunity to make a fully informed choice.
Clearly, the recently concluded “modernisation” and “study” exercises in a number of Territories fell short of an internationally acceptable change of, or verdict on, the Territory’s status. She suggested some elements for a results-oriented strategy for the Special Committee regarding contacts with the administering Powers, establishing “focal points” and sending visiting missions.
She said that the current situation in a few Non-Self-Governing Territories stood to benefit from a creative approach, “if only the international community, spearheaded by the Special Committee on Decolonization, can muster the required political will”. “No action” could no longer be the preferred option for the international community. The way forward for the Special Committee entailed “vigilant cooperation” with the administering Powers, proactive efforts that could lead to the early identification of the proposed focal points and a carefully designed initiative at the upcoming General Assembly.
Why is it that rabid countries like Argentina and Palestine are the most openly envious of other people's territory?
Eh? Argentina is just a few years behind Europe in the "colonial" curve. Remember those days when alliances were struck, friends became enimies and territories were confiscateed. All in the name of king & country (and ones own bottom line). Okay, I don't remeber it either, but i read about it in a book.
As for Palistine, I assume you mean Isreal? Well, the mentality that prevails there seems to have a lot in common with the former South African regimes. "It's us and our god against the whole world, but it's okay because our god assures us that we are the chosen ones".
You didn't mention the rabid country of the US of A.
ANyway, I came here to thank the pluckly Falkland Islanders. Your little war with the ARgies helped take the heat off us Kiwis when it comes to sheep jokes...
Once again with my apologies for the full post, but no direct link possible and this article from the Gibraltar Chronicle rounds things off nicely...
At the conclusion of its three-day review of progress achieved in implementation of the Plan of Action of the Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism, the 2007 Caribbean Regional Seminar recommended that the Special Committee on Decolonisation consider establishing a “Special Committee focal point” in each Non-Self-Governing Territory where there was no dispute over sovereignty, in order to enhance the exchange of information.
According to recommendations contained in its draft report, introduced by Rapporteur Rodrigo Malmierca Díaz (Cuba), the Seminar underscored the importance of education, awareness-raising and continued dialogue on self-determination and decolonisation issues aimed at and involving the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories.
The Seminar stressed that the Special Committee’s visiting and special missions represented a key factor in raising public awareness of decolonisation issues. Regional seminars served as an effective forum for focused discussion on matters of concern to the Non-Self-Governing Territories, affording opportunities for representatives of the Territories’ peoples to present their views and recommendations to the Special Committee. The Special Committee was encouraged to hold those events in the Non-Self-Governing Territories themselves.
According to the official UN report also in the draft report, Seminar participants drew the attention of the administering Powers to the three options for reaching a “full measure of self-government”, namely independence, free association with an independent State or integration with an independent State. In cases where a particular Non-Self-Governing Territory was clearly in favour of building upon the basis of its existing situation, the Special Committee might wish to consider steps that it could take, bearing in mind the Territory’s interests in that regard. The United Nations goal of decolonization could thus be achieved in a relatively straightforward fashion.
The Seminar once again recommended that the Special Committee, the administering Powers and the Non-Self-Governing Territories engage in constructive discussions and innovative ways to expedite implementation of the Second Decade’s goals, with participants reiterating that progress could only be achieved with the active cooperation of the administering Powers. The Seminar also reaffirmed the Special Committee’s role as the primary vehicle for the fostering of the decolonization process and in expediting the Decade’s goals, stressing as well that its mandate remained a major political programme of the United Nations. Participants recommended that the Special Committee continue its active participation in monitoring the evolution of the Territories towards self-determination.
In closing remarks, Chairperson Margaret Hughes Ferrari (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) noted that the Special Committee had a special responsibility towards the people of the Non-Self-Governing Territories and it had, therefore, been a privilege to hear from their representatives. The Special Committee’s work would be greatly enriched by the encounter.
She said that, during the past three days, it had been made abundantly clear that different Territories had different needs, expectations and concerns. It was also obvious that some Territories were quite satisfied with present arrangements, while others had expressed dissatisfaction or a need for further progress. It was incumbent upon the Special Committee to recognize that spectrum, and its duty to find ways to deal with that reality on a case-by-case basis, always keeping as paramount consideration the wishes and well-being of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories.
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