Credit where it's due.
I don't find myself agreeing with senior Labour party figures that often, and agreeing with a would be deputy leader is rarer still, given the current struggle to see who can throw the most red meat to the class warrior activist base, but this is just one of those occasions:
HazelBlears said "That seems something you could look at. You could put more tax incentives into the system maybe to encourage people to give more."Blears said: "Say you wanted to invest in sports facilities or arts - in other countries there's a much more widespread system of people funding things like drama, art; those parts of life". Source.
Absolutely right on the money Haze. I do not doubt that normal service from the six would be cup bearers to Broon will resume shortly.
Absolutely right on the money Haze. I do not doubt that normal service from the six would be cup bearers to Broon will resume shortly.
This is your brief I believe.
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I saw, for the first time in my life, a moving picture of The Hazel yesterday (over at Guido) and I am now in love with (what seems to me to be) that strangely alluring pixie.
Is this normal and/or acceptable behaviour for a non-subscriber to redistributionist theory, or should I start taking powerful bromide-based medication?
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