Scope for the Speaker to stick his nose into new places?
There is a mini-scandal afoot in India, with the wife of an MP claiming that he has been having an affair, and she has asked the speaker of the Lok Sabha to investigate. The MP denies it, naturally, but meanwhile she has also contacted both National Human Rights Commission and National Women's Commission.
Admittedly there is the additional element of MP Rajesh Manjhi apparently not paying maintenance, but it would appear that we will not be seeing the pair of them touring the chat show circuit Mark & Belinda Oaten style or posing for cheesy photographs leaning on the garden gate.
I hate to think what the Worst Speaker in Living Memory would do with Red and Blue sex scandals respectively.
Admittedly there is the additional element of MP Rajesh Manjhi apparently not paying maintenance, but it would appear that we will not be seeing the pair of them touring the chat show circuit Mark & Belinda Oaten style or posing for cheesy photographs leaning on the garden gate.
I hate to think what the Worst Speaker in Living Memory would do with Red and Blue sex scandals respectively.
Labels: South Asia
Yes, ha ha ha. But I'd like an investigation into that little gaggle of queens, Mandelson, who we know about, Brown and Blair.
V _ and I wonder where Trevor Phillips 'fits in'? (Mandelson was his 'Best Man', I gather.....and part of thta whole LWT/ New Labour scene in the early/ mid 80s). Altho trevor does seem to had a Damascene conversion over the last year or so on multi-culti wotsits......
Don't know enough about Phillips' private life. But I know a gaggle of queens when I see one.
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