Depressing news from Zimbabwe
Given the sheer ghastliness of the reign of Mugabe, one would hope that all men and women of good will would set aside pretty well any differences and concentrate on using what remains of the democratic process and the rule of law to rid their country of him. However, an attempted reconciliation between the two factions of the MDC - 20 MPs of one and 21 of the other - has foundered. Given that Zim has 80% unemployment and 1000% inflation, parallels involving Rome, fire and a fiddle spring to mind.
The MDC's core platform (lifted from the usual place) sounds a pretty good starting point: "Recognition of and protection from Zimbabwe's AIDS epidemic, economic liberalization through investment in rural infrastructure and privatisation of selected government parastatals, a land-redistribution policy based upon the rule of law and a willing buyer/willing seller basis, and constitutional amendments limiting further the unilateral power of the executive branch of government"
The MDC's core platform (lifted from the usual place) sounds a pretty good starting point: "Recognition of and protection from Zimbabwe's AIDS epidemic, economic liberalization through investment in rural infrastructure and privatisation of selected government parastatals, a land-redistribution policy based upon the rule of law and a willing buyer/willing seller basis, and constitutional amendments limiting further the unilateral power of the executive branch of government"
Labels: Zimbabwe
we are the judean people's front!
Sad, but not far from the truth.
I like your blog, especially the name as I used to be a Croydonian myself.
I have added a link to my site.
Wishing you all the best for 2007
And indeed to you. Happy to repay the compliment.
I like Dr Michelle Tempest's site. I tink it will be a source of inspiration. Just reading your post on Zim I could fell your pain oozing out. Us Tories shouldn't be revisionists but I can't help but run different scenarios for Zim through my mind.
PT - Indeed, but when we get fired up about individual rulers, sometimes that is too much the focus at the expense of forgetting how life is for people at the sharp end as a consequence of that misrule. And the sharp end in Zim is so very, very sharp.
PT and Croydonian...
Dont tell me that you didnt click on to the good doctors blog and think "F***!"
"OK , calm down how do I impress her" ?
Brains ,beauty and could sort your psychological failings out over a weekend(on the cheap) and as an added bonus would make a great character witness at your next trail.
Here is a good zim site from an insiders point of view,
PH - You are a bad man.
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