Yet another fatuous poll
It is clearly the season for this sort of thing, as the editrix of those two journals of record 'Hollywood Dog' and 'New York Dog' (Doubting Thomases feel free to Google. I'm not making this up) asked her readership to name the best and worst celebrity dog owners. Oprah Winfrey impressed while Britney Spears did not. More here.
I am staggered more by the idea that there is a market for dog plutography than that the great American public has the presumption to judge celebs for their dog husbandry. Maybe it will be Miami Beach Pot Bellied Pig next.
I am staggered more by the idea that there is a market for dog plutography than that the great American public has the presumption to judge celebs for their dog husbandry. Maybe it will be Miami Beach Pot Bellied Pig next.
I am staggered by the word plutography.
Her Pluto (graphy) here boy aaawww Pluto(graphy)
The Sun reported yesterday that three out of four women considered their dog more faithful than their partner. Oh yes I live in a world of opalescent class. I suppose thats dog owning women.
It is a Gore Vidal coinage - meaning the lives and riches of the extremely wealthy being treated with the same dynamic as pornography. He reckoned that if porn was the characteristic 70s vice, then plutography was the equivalent in the 80s.
Tom Wolfe C .
(The aetiolated ghost of William Peel whispered to me C has made a mistake) )
Not that you googled it, natch.
I `m shocked , shocked ;at your suspicions C
I was first accused of being a cynic at the age of eleven. I think I went straight from uninformed to jaundiced without the usual intervening period of idealism / innocence / naivete (delete as appropriate).
has anybody noticed how porn has got so much less hirsute these days?
you were born a troubled middle aged middle class surburban gent (+:
Hugh Grant with more brains and less cash.
PH - I guess breeding will always out, eh?
We do not hear enough of Jesus the sulky adolescent . Its always Jesus the man or baby Jesus . I would like to see that gap plugged
The Book Of Newmania ( the Spotty years)
And lo Jesus went from this place to go out ,whether or not Mother Mary would allow him to .” Why”, he said to Mary “did you even bother to have me” …. And saying further unto her “I hate you ! I hate you! You never let me do anything “ ….”Oh god why won`t Mary Magdalene look at me ,………….. I wish I was dead!”
Then right quickly did the saviour proceed to his room and there did he dwell in meditation upon the iniquities of parent , teachers not even coming down for his tea
This is the word of the Lord
Thanks be to God
that and sneaking in 20 holy wanks a day
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