Kyoto protocol good for the economy?
That, so to speak, would appear to be the thesis of the United Nations Environment Program, personified by Achim Steiner, quoted in the National Post:"Canada's repudiation of its commitments under the Kyoto Protocol could harm its economy in coming years, warns the head of the United Nations Environment Program. Achim Steiner says Canadian business could be left out of major profit opportunities created by an international emissions trading system that he predicts will be worth $100 billion in 10 years".
The crux of his argument is that carbon trading has the scope to make some serious money, and is all too well known, I'm all in favour of economic acts between consenting adults, if more than a little envirosceptic. Many, many years ago I was once damned as being 'environmentally hostile', a slam which I still treasure
The crux of his argument is that carbon trading has the scope to make some serious money, and is all too well known, I'm all in favour of economic acts between consenting adults, if more than a little envirosceptic. Many, many years ago I was once damned as being 'environmentally hostile', a slam which I still treasure
Irwin Stezer said it all for me on Green policies/Growth
Even more important, in my pamphlet I said: "Taxes on 'bad' things should not be in addition to existing taxation, but a replacement for taxes on 'good' things, most notably economic growth and job creation."
I don`t actually know what Carbon trading is. French Kissing ?
As we ban drugs and weapons as they are supposedly "bad" then If co2 emissions really are about to cause the end of the world then why dont we just ban cares and air traveL?
Morning Mr Mania
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