The Dale / Fawkes bash
Was immensely amusing. Our very own (if I might venture etc etc) Peter H was mentioned by name by Mr F as not being able to make it, to broad disappointment. A big hello to Mikey, Tom Paine, Dizzy, Paul Linford, Devil's K and the ever lovely Ellee - inter alia - with whom substantial breezes were shot. I hope you'll be proud of me for being among the last four standing along with Guido and James C. Alas we moved onto Chatham House rules at the end, so no grim details concerning the bitter end...
And a *huge* shout out to messrs Dale and Fawkes for their epic hospitality. And nul points to the cab driver non-plussed at being told he had just 'ad that Guido Fawkes in the back of his cab.
Ellee's report is here, and Tom Paine's here. More when other people get blogging....
And a *huge* shout out to messrs Dale and Fawkes for their epic hospitality. And nul points to the cab driver non-plussed at being told he had just 'ad that Guido Fawkes in the back of his cab.
Ellee's report is here, and Tom Paine's here. More when other people get blogging....
Well in C. First report of the bash.
Is the fourth person in the Chatham House quartet to remain anonymous? ;-)
#4 is a civilian - one of the 18DS crew.
How disappointing I have just leapt out of bed to discover what PHITCH was really like. Will we never know . He`s in London , perhaps his gout was playing up?
Perhaps he can be persuaded to have a beer at some more convenient time .
Or will he be the ,masked Blogger for all time ?
Sounds great....bitter bitter
C - you could have played with that. Ne'er mind
...and a big hello back to you, C!
Bet the cabby will be using it tho'. You know that guido fawkes...
just gutted that Hitch wasnt there.
just the thought of the reports of him foaming his way through the evening makes me smile and thats without him chin dribbling some cameroonian totty whilst insanely ranting against the cnut incarnate..
Shall we say that it was a fairly testosterone rich gathering. I would estimate around 60 chaps and five women, so PH might have been disappointed on that front.
I could have played the sympathy card with my gout.
Somebody suggested that not only was it a gentlemen's evening but mainly a gentlemen whom *ahem* prefer the company of other gentlemen type of evening, is that the case? (+:
Might have been a plan. Yeah, I saw the comment by Lagwolf chez Fawkes, although I can't say I noticed.
Wasn't if fascinating to meet up with so many anonymous bloggers? I was just gobsmacked and on cloud nine. I wished I could have stayed longer, but I just managed to catch the last train back to Ely and even though I left the pub at 9.40pm, it was almost 1am when I finallly arrived home.
I was feeling a little delicate this morning, I hear you were the worse for wear too!
It certainly was, yes. I think that name badges or somesuch would have made it a lot easier - there were far too many people I did not manage to talk to.
Tired more than anything this morning - I got the 2AM train home....
who was the peson that least looked how you expected them to?
DK I think.
and why?
Devil's Kitchen. I suppose I expected him to look either more satanic or more geeky.
just had a look at elles photos
is he the seikh?
Nope... The Sikh chap is Guido's tech man.
DK is the chap with me who isn't James Cleverly.
well, that must be him in that daft photo he uses.
looks suspiciously Jewish to me (+:
Or worse , Spanish.
How the hell did guido end up with Gunga Din as a sidekick?
I do hope he has a high ceiling in the cellar
Cleverley looks far to much like a normal human being to ever get selected for a winnable seat , nope they want widdecombes ,redwoods ,maniacs like the winterton duo or lezzas
I had always assumed DK's avatar was to lure people away from the scent, but what do I know?
You would like James - a military man with a fine line in anecdotes and jokes.
So why exactly didn’t you go then PHITCH , the gout ? Couldn’t I have had to your pass , you could have wangled that ?
SELF SELF SELF I ve been interested in meeting that Ellee for a while now ( Since the thing about the spacesuit)..and also to discuss how worried I am about the environment.....and who knows, as the night wore on and we bonded over our concern for the third world ...what magic there might have been in the air. A Liberal Conservative weed is a climbing plant at essentially and confronted with stern Tory values I feel certain she would have clung like ivy.
None of this was ever going to happen though for despite being a Catherine wheel of wit and wisdom ..noone ever invites me anywhere
Others get invited and on the highly dubious ground s of a “very sudden mysterious” attack of gout do not show .
God I had my white velour suit cleaned and everything.( Cat nip to chicks !)
( And today was Xmas shopping hell)
Too bad you didn't take any photos to post so those of us who weren't there could criticise looks, outfits and so on.
A white velour suit? Hmm.
Any of the regulars fancy a pint next week? I am prepared to go North of the River if necessary.
(=: Verity(+:
my thoughts exactly
there were some odd looking types htere , including one who lookes like the bastard lovechild of the late robin cook and somebody even gnomier than him.
Mr mania it was the gout !
its subsiding but still vv painfull
verity , if you click an ellee link you can see some of the guests
Moving his burnt flesh painfully inch by inch the hunch back wheezed painfully though his disgusting hairlip and passed a raw meat hand through a lonely clump or red hair. As this last remnant of humanity fluttered down past the ruined face , past the vast bulk of his distended ,torso he drooled over the keyboard. His tongue following the finger movements with slowly; deliberately
“It was gout…” he typed .
The monster’s chin slumped to his chest and a piteous howl from the bones tore across the London sky “OOOOOOooooooo !!!”
( that my theory )
Off to watch strictly , how gay am I ?
I went to the photos. Yawn. I wonder why she didn't use a flash.
Mania I have dark hair(+:
And unlike yours it doesnt fly back in the wind and make me look like im wearing a crash helmet, that or somebody stuck some chinchilla fur on an egg.
beat that for an insult! (+:
It was a room full of beery men who spend far to much time at their computers , what were you expecting?
Whats the drill for Christmas in Mexico?
Newmania, If you write something for the next edition, we can meet up then if they hold a similar bash. I'm sure we would have hit it off, Croydonian said lots of kind things about you. I can't promise I'll be wearing a white space outfit though!
PH is right that it was a room full of beery men, but great conversation.
PH - Large measurs of tinsel and fairy lights. Some of the indoor fairy lights twinkle on and off and play tinkly music over and over again, 24/7. I would ask what fresh hell this is, except the Mexicans don't notice it over the sound of their TV, a radio also running in the same room and everyone talking at once.
They're as addicted to Christmas shopping as anyone else. Parking lots jammed. Traffic, traffic, traffic.
Verity, I have posted a few pics on my site, there's a very nice one of William. I didn't take them towards the evening when many people had left, but there are a few favourites here, anonymous, of course.
To take a nice photo of C shows great talent I`ll give her that.Yes PHITCH you will note that I have removed that picture.I would like to claim I have anice personality but it would be a big fat lie !!
(X factor..)
My mother thinks I'm handsome....
"My mother thinks I'm handsome.... "
She is correct! Handsome and kind of cute with Winston Churchill's cigar.
Are you sure Guido got home all right? At the moment you and "military man" Cleverly are in the frame if he doesn't reappear.
Croydoian, Actually, I would describe you as dashing and debonair.
PT - I shared a cab with to Victoria, but what happened afterwards, I have no idea.
Ellee - Clearly you are a lady of impeccable taste as well as charm and verve.
C -Elle does marketing or PR or something she would describe the Dome as a glittering triumph or John Precott as ummm thin. I`m sorry I just don`t want you getting your hopes up.I couldn`t bear to see that trembling lip again the next time a bag lady says "Naw I,ve still gowt me pride"
Oh come now how is the Devils Kitchen guy going to look more evil that me? I mean 18DS only put me on after the watershed for a reason!
So how fast did the open bar end after I left?
N - you are a toad, and I doubt with a precious jewel in your head...
Lagwolf - Not sure when ID's card finally buckled under the pressure, but there were about 10-12 of us left at chucking out time, 7 or 8 made it to Chinese and four headed off in search of a late drinking opportunity.
lagwold was it a pink do?
C assures me not , but then he has been to university
Mr wolf
i will tell you how he looks more sinister
He poses with a bunch of lilies, any man with the balls to do that has to be scary.
Not a knife or a gun nor large car but flowers)+:
Mans obviously bolt hard.
I believe lillies are the thing to take to funerals, so there is an implicit threat there.
My head still hurts!!!!!!!
Toque tried to get me into elf suit which is just evil. Yeah lillies are scary...but how about orchids?
James fortunately I don't get hangovers which is good since I was out at a free champers type party the night before until late and the out Sat night at another bloody free drinks party. When it rains it pours...ugh.
Yup, orchids are more than a little creepy.
No hangovers? - cue outbreak of Wayne's World style hommage. I don't either, I have near-death experiences.
A positive joy to meet you all. Sorry I had to bail out relatively early, but Mrs DK was a bit knackered. I was deeply impressed to find that Tom Paine had come all the way from Russia to attend -- full marks to that man!
And I managed to lock myself out after only a short walk over the gardens. 12 hours later I finally got in. Cheers for a great night out guys... I still chuckle to myself when I recall Guido's face when he came back from behind THOSE double doors.
The Fourth Person
4P, or might I call you M? - It was a blinder wasn't it?
It most certainly was. I'd love to do it again!! (Well, except the being locked out part of course)
I didn't realise that Cleverly and you were such party animals.
4P - All the best people are.... Dizzy and I meet up in town at least once a fortnight - generally on a Friday - so I'll keep you posted for the next one if you fancy it.
Please do... not so anonymous now I guess.
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