A new candidate for the most pointless press release of all time
Now if you were a minister and one of your colleagues made a statement, would you think it was worth wasting the public's time, effort and money to put out a release saying what a great statement your colleague had just made? 'Owl Magnet' Milliband did. Then again, he is probably worried about his job, isn't he?
Milliband reckons "The UK is widely recognised for its domestic and international commitment to the battle against climate change". I'm sure the conversations in Ulan Bator, Thule and for all I know, Timbuktu are of little else.
Milliband reckons "The UK is widely recognised for its domestic and international commitment to the battle against climate change". I'm sure the conversations in Ulan Bator, Thule and for all I know, Timbuktu are of little else.
you may want to look at browns latest report on pre budget proposals to labour party members.. I have it up on my site.. look it up if ya have the time//
Amazing how many cliches he can pack into a few hundred words, isn't it?
At least you get to read press releases from 'real' politicians.
Responding to what could be Gordon Brown’s last ever Pre-Budget Report, the Welsh Liberal Democrats, Lembit Opik, MP for Montgomeryshire and Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, said:
“After a productive meeting yesterday with the Wales office on driving forward green enterprise and jobs in Wales, I had high hopes that this pre-budget report would be a symbol of a new green momentum in this Government."
I guess there are worse people than Mr Anagram himself.
Meanwhile, why no 'English Liberal Democrats', eh?
Certainly, Croydonian. The jungles of Indonesia, where they have massive teak-logging operations using large, diesel-powered saws, are alive with admiring comments about the British commitment to "green". The people who operate vast, charcoal burning kilns can barely contain their praise.
And the tens of millions of poor people in India gossip of little else as they squat cooking their meals over their kerosene stoves! I understand that in Beijing, high regard for Britain's commitment to keeping the planet safe from pollution has replaced money as the hot topic between Chinese banker conversation.
What puzzles me is, how did this illusionary bandwagon get rolling when it is patent rubbish? Gordon Brown is getting away with putting an extra tax on flights. Why are people letting him get away with it? It's bullshit.
Never seen you swear before Verity .Nonetheless I agree.
If flying is destroying the planet then ban it. as we all know it isnt.
PHitch - Well spotted, and I thought twice before swearing, but the depth of my contempt for this heinous government seemed to call for it. Like all the lefties, they want to take society back to the Stone Age so they can sit around warmly congratulating themselves around the campfire for destroying human progress and saying "We're all Fred Flintstone now." God, I hate them. I hope great ill-fortune befalls Blair and Brown, the liars.
And, PHitch, it is a measure of these people's self-importance that they think cutting down of carbon emissions is going to make a blind bit of difference to the solar system which is so unimaginably vast that the stars we see when we look up at the sky burned out thousands of years ago and the light is just reaching us. Do you really, really, really believe (of course not!) that variations in the temperature of the sun are due to people driving their little cars around the planet? And not recycling their garbage. Are they stupid, or vilely manipulative? I can't decide, but either way, I wish them ill.
milliband is typical of politicians these dsays.let's be honest,the tories are full of yes men
I am afraid its beyond parody - its all very similar to the self serving smug nonsensical bollocks put out by the tax-payer money siphoning wind turbine industry. Its beyond comprehension that we will be left with these fucking mad monstrosities all over the country for no purpose at all - just lining the pockets of the fat parasitical bastards who run the wind power companies.. does anyone know where I can buy limpet mines?
you hit the nail on the head..
Verity I agree.
I have made the point before , but , the last ice age wasnt finished by range rovers.
Solar flares are the cause of global warming as Dave and Tony know full well.
I hope we do have a new ice age or virus that wipes 99% of people out, even if I am one of them.
Humans have become pathetic dross in neeed of a good genetic clear out , its happened before and will happen again.
David Cameron is the new King Cnut.
Crude but historicaly accurate.
Lots of strong opinions. Excellent.
In the enlightened age of the anagram King Cnut would probably have been called something else. Steve maybe.
Rigger ,...and yes women.
Actually in the time of Chaucer the climate in London was much as the Loire valey today. Enviromentalists ( a hodge podge non subject) obtain funding by suggesting
a - Nothing much to report
Tricky isn`t it
Commendable spleen from Verity and others
Newmania - that's ridiculous. King Cnut would have been called Duwayne.
Exactly, PHitch! How did the earth manage to crawl out of the Ice Age without humans taking unnecessary trips to Tesco and enjoying hot showers in the dead of winter? And enjoying cheap flights on Ryanair?
Why are these manipulative, sinister people being allowed to push their agenda forward? It's an international movement with cells in every country, but I would be interested to know who is at the back of it.
Funny that it's just the Earth to blame. I wonder why the vast volume of gasses on Venus don't count?
And yes, in Roman times, they were growing grapes for wine around York and the classy Saxons who were sucking up to the Romans were wearing togas. But these facts DO NOT COUNT. There is never even an attempted explanation.
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