Libération profiles Cameron
I always find it intriguing to read articles explaining familiar figures and concepts to audiences unfamiliar with them, so here, for your delectation is a filleting of Libération's 'who is this David Cameron bloke then?' item. They even headline it 'Cameron, 'Tory Blair' des Britanniques'.
"Scion of a family of aristocrats (Plural? Hardly. C), he had an idyllic childhood in Oxfordshire, a chic county in the west of the country, before being sent to Eton, the academy of princes, the most elite of the country, then to study political science at Oxford, where he was remembered as a brilliant student but preferring to party... Samantha, his wife since 1996 was no less privileged. Daughter of a baron, she counts among her ancestors a mistress of Charles II, she grew up on a 120 hectare estate in her family since 1590...she has a tattoo on her ankle and very unconservative creative friends. The couple have three children...and Arthur was born in February in Ladbroke Grove, an area as popular with rock stars as crack dealers. Changing from his predessors, he has abandoned his tie for Converse trainers (odd metaphor. C), commutes to the office by bike and went trekking to the North Pole ( Fact checking? Who needs it? C) to publicise global warming"
"Scion of a family of aristocrats (Plural? Hardly. C), he had an idyllic childhood in Oxfordshire, a chic county in the west of the country, before being sent to Eton, the academy of princes, the most elite of the country, then to study political science at Oxford, where he was remembered as a brilliant student but preferring to party... Samantha, his wife since 1996 was no less privileged. Daughter of a baron, she counts among her ancestors a mistress of Charles II, she grew up on a 120 hectare estate in her family since 1590...she has a tattoo on her ankle and very unconservative creative friends. The couple have three children...and Arthur was born in February in Ladbroke Grove, an area as popular with rock stars as crack dealers. Changing from his predessors, he has abandoned his tie for Converse trainers (odd metaphor. C), commutes to the office by bike and went trekking to the North Pole ( Fact checking? Who needs it? C) to publicise global warming"
Ha! Salut!
Was just going via Blogger home page when who turns up on the just posted list but - The Croydonian.
So I'll be le premier a commente.
Er...Well, Ladbroke G., Notting H., same trendy. Pas un patch sur Croydon. Pity no-one reads Chesterton any more, they cd make a joke abt the Napoleon of Notting Hill.
S - all very true about GK.
Can't say that CR0 is featuring on any maps of international cool spots, but I'm quite fond of it. As Captain Sensible once sang:
I'll be in Los Angeles
where the famous people never quite get old
yeah, in Los Angeles
where they're all to rich to even feel the cold
but I'll still be dreaming of you Croydon
especially in the cold and rain.
it misses out on a fw crucial details
1 he is a cunker
2 he is an airhead etc
RM - Libe does say that his "'compassionate neoconservatism (sic)' continues to seriously lack substance".
Not that I noticed, no. Our Gallic chums are odd with which words are taboo and which aren't. I was speechless the first time the ex m-in-l said 'con', having thought it was structurally analagous to That Word (which it isn't), whereas when I've dropped 'putain' into conversation I've got into trouble. Hey ho, safest to stick with 'zut alors' I suppose.
Courage, mon brave! Alors! A nous moutons! "he has abandoned his tie for Converse trainers (odd metaphor."
Maybe he ties the laces together and drapes them round his neck for that extra je ne sais pas of street cred when he's riding his bike.
I suppose Converse being owned by Nike these days (yes?) doesn't help much....
Some hard-hitting reportage from Liberation, obviously.And as for Compassionate neo-conservatism??
I do wonder what they were writing about Monsieur Emily (fils de pute)prior to 1997.I am sure it was pretty innane stuff:
Le fils d'un avocat et d'un conférencier, Tony Blair est né à Édimbourg, mais passé la plupart de son enfance dans Durham. À l'âge de 14 ans il est revenu à Édimbourg pour finir son éducation au Collège Fettes. Il a étudié la loi à Oxford et a continué à devenir un avocat lui-même....
And now: La personne la plus nuie pour l'instant par la politique de George Bush de mener la guerre sur l'axe de mal est Tony Blair, son partenaire non vacillant.
Bravo GC.
We know that Blair's dad was a barrister, but what was Cameron Pater's metier?
Cameron's father was a...stockbroker.
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