Mr Tony well on the way to being rich beyond the dreams of avarice.
And according to the Evening Standard, he wasn’t aware of it. Oh come on… And why would 'friends' of Blair be putting this information out? Another way of saying to Brown et al, 'I've upped my income, so up yours?'
"Tony Blair has been told he could earn £15million within two years of quitting Downing Street...A close friend of the Prime Minister, who also advises on his personal finances, told The Mail on Sunday: "Tony is still getting used to the idea that he has the potential to earn serious money." The source revealed how Mr Blair reacted with incredulity when informed how much he could make. "I told him that even now John Major was probably still earning £3million a year from various consultancies, and he just said, "Get away". '
Anyway, there's plenty more, but the idea that Tony and the Blairina were not aware that the memoirs, 'consultancies' etc would be hosing them down with the folding stuff just beggars belief. The memoirs are reckoned to be worth £5m minimum, although has there ever been a prime ministerial (or come to that presidential) memoir that was even readable, let alone of any great merit? While out with the bloggers the other night it was suggested that by far the most interesting potential book from the current lot is the ghosted book we might see from the 'hand' of Prescott. He knows where the bodies are buried, and we were in agreement that the latter must be the reason why has hung on so long.
"Tony Blair has been told he could earn £15million within two years of quitting Downing Street...A close friend of the Prime Minister, who also advises on his personal finances, told The Mail on Sunday: "Tony is still getting used to the idea that he has the potential to earn serious money." The source revealed how Mr Blair reacted with incredulity when informed how much he could make. "I told him that even now John Major was probably still earning £3million a year from various consultancies, and he just said, "Get away". '
Anyway, there's plenty more, but the idea that Tony and the Blairina were not aware that the memoirs, 'consultancies' etc would be hosing them down with the folding stuff just beggars belief. The memoirs are reckoned to be worth £5m minimum, although has there ever been a prime ministerial (or come to that presidential) memoir that was even readable, let alone of any great merit? While out with the bloggers the other night it was suggested that by far the most interesting potential book from the current lot is the ghosted book we might see from the 'hand' of Prescott. He knows where the bodies are buried, and we were in agreement that the latter must be the reason why has hung on so long.
C'mon pull the other one, he is a lawyer, the blessed Cherie is a lawyer, they know exactly how much he can pull in
I suspect Emily and his ideological soul mate William Jefferson Clinton might have well have dwelt on money making in Manchester last week.
I mean even John Major has amassed a small fortune on the lecture circuit since 1997. But then again Emily has designs on saving humanity and recasting it in his own image. I mean he's got the Middle East to sort out, find an opportunity to lead Africa to the Promised Land...much done, much to do. But of course he's going to get seriously rich as well. The lovely Cherie would hardly expect less.
What with his messianic belief in himself, he probably thinks that he can travel the world (well LA and NY) preaching the Gospel according to Tony for a few years until the beating on Drake's drum gets so deafening that he just *has* to take on the mantle of head of the EU, the UN or some other alphabet soup organisation.
Peter - if he signs or already has signed with Harper Collins, one could reach that conclusion....
Why "Emily", gc? I suspect that I've missed an allusion. Toni, Dorothy...OK, but Emily?
Ghost of Peter - alas no, although a friend has a friend at the Screws. However, the one time I was trying to drink her into indiscretion shw woulf not play ball...
Dearieme - Emily was his nickname at Fettes. Google this and it comes in right on the money.
GoP - yup, I'd seen that. Someone is in very serious trouble - either the Robespierre of the Gorbals or a NotW hack. By the way, the Scottish edition is known in the trade at SNOTWorld.
Emily's been hobnobbing with Arabs recently. My guess - he'll go the Bill Clinton route. Get them to fund a "foundation" for him and spend the rest of his life rolling in clover. Which should cheer us up a little because it demonstrates how naive the Arabs are. They think by buying Clinton and Blair, they're buying class and influence.
If Emily is a convicted felon by then - even if he never goes to prison - the Bushes will distance themselves stat.
Yes, the family as a whole is very loyal to its allies past and present, but a family that has two former presidents in it is not going to be associated with a felon. That is one of the main reasons I am hanging on by my fingernails to see Emily do the perp walk. So that he gets frozen out of the Bush family.
I think he'll end up with the Arabs for two or three years and then move on to that equally reputable group, the UN.
He'll always manage to make money, and he'll always be able to keep himself in the limelight he loves so dearly, but he will be as big a joke as Jimmuh Cahduh and Slick Willy Clinton, both of whom have found their spiritual homes in the sly, sleazy world of the Middle East.
An interesting (to me, anyway) point has just occurred to me. None of the three above-mentioned sewer rats drinks. Interesting.
V - No disagreement from me with your analysis. I knew that GWB took the pledge, but the others having foresworn is news to me. Having dug up a list of famous teetotallers here, there are some very grim people who abstain / astained, including Tony Benn, George Galloway, Himler, Hitler, David Irving, Jerry Falwell and (theoretically) the entire membership of Al Qaeda...
I like the Bush family and I think they do well with their money. Except if you win the lottery, no one who gets rich is completely untainted.
Croydonian - I don't think they "took the pledge"! Isn't that what alcoholics who swear off do? Neither Clinton nor Emily has a taste for alcohol, that's all. I think there's something wrong with people who don't drink. (George liked it too much, so he's not a self-righteous prig and is one of us in spirit.) But it is so ludicrous that two such sleazy individuals as Blair and Clinton may take a glass of wine, but it will last all evening. I think they're both so high on themselves that they don't need any further stimulus.
Could Prescott say anything more damning than DAvid Blunkett? You've probably seen the splash in today's Mail (sorry, can't find the link).
Jack Sraw is described as imaginative as a dead frog and Tessa Jowell is like the internet - tell her a secret and it's out immediately.
So nothing new, nothing we didn't already know.
I'm not sure if Blunkett will want to stay on for another term as he seems doomed to remain a back bencher now, a great job of course, but maybe he has set his sights (no pun intended)on a lucrative post-parliamentary career too. He has certainly had a fascinating love life.
C'mon, Ellee! What did Prescott say about David Blunkett?
BTW, does he still have his government car? I want to know why a backbench MP has a car and driver as a gift from the taxpayers. Other blind people hail taxis. Any cabbie can figure out that a man standing with one hand out and the other hand on a guide dog's lead is a blind man wanting a cab. Duh.
Does he still have his grace and favour home,as well? Wasn't he going to put a girlfriend up in a flat in that house - another gift from the taxpayer. How can we find out how much David Blunkett costs the taxpayer in perks to which he is not entitled?
Never mind; I found the article in The Mail. Actually, I thought it was quite boring and that Blunkett came across as whiny and controlling.
Blunkett's description of Jowell is a classic - I'm going to store that one for future reference.
Verity, I don't know what the latest is regarding Blunkett and his perks, it could have changed, it's certainly worth checking out. I'll have to put my thinking cap on.
Ellee - Can't you just call your MP and ask him to check into it for you? He's there to serve.
Or the accounting office or something. They can't put a barrier up and keep something like this hidden. (Much. But it's illegal to do so.)
Alternatively, it might be fun to send an email to David Blunkett's office and ask his secretary. Being part of the nomenklatura, they will tell you it is not your business how your tax pounds are spent.
What I want to know is, why did Emily favour Blunkett in this way? The largesse to give is not his.
The Daily Mirror (2/10/2006) notes that Emily could earn £15million within just two years of leaving No 10.
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