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Don't short change people who can embarass you - an object lesson for the Labour Party

Just seen this at the Mail:

Video director Danny Dewsbury appears to have got the shaft from Labour over a film he made for them for which he has not been paid, and has been enagaging in a degree of passive aggression that scales the heights:

"Recalling that the Ministers had made embarrassing gaffes and some astonishingly 'off-message' remarks - which were edited out of the official propaganda film - he put them together and sent the 'uncut' version to The Mail on Sunday. His film shows:

Party chairman Hazel Blears half-heartedly stacking shelves in Tesco and needing four attempts at introducing herself to the camera.

And there is a revealing moment when Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt records her thoughts of the day - while an adviser coaches her to use a series of buzzwords, including 'pride', 'progress' and 'reform'.

One scene, filmed at the time calls were growing for Tony Blair to step down, shows Mr Johnson visiting a school in Hull. Mr Johnson's aide tells him: "I feel really sorry for Tony. I think they're just bastards."

The Minister replies: "He's fine. I've never seen him so relaxed. He never planned to do more than ten years. He told Gordon earlier this week..." Then Mr Johnson looks up at the cameraman and asks: "This is on?"

Come on Danny, put it YouTube, please.
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Anonymous Anonymous said... 12:33 pm

I saw this and was thinking about posting on it, his critique on Labour's ministers was a good read.

I can't believe Labour is so stingy, I'm wondering what has gone wrong with their communication. Hopefully, the MoS made up for Danny's cash shortfall. Hopefully, Danny can use this for a college project and get top marks - it will certainly be unique.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 1:04 pm

"Hopefully, the MoS made up for Danny's cash shortfall."

Hopefully, they bloody did not!

And ... a "college project" in the vacuity and duplicity of socialism?  

Blogger Croydonian said... 1:16 pm

V - I would have thought you would admire the chap's enterprise in seeking a form of financial redress....  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 2:25 pm

Oh! Apologies to Ellee! I now realise, after reading Croydonian's comment, what MOS means. Mail on Sunday? I thought it was an acronym for a ministry. Ministry of ... I just thought it was the name of a ministry I'd never heard of. They spring up like daisies under the Blair regime.

Yes, of course I approve of going to the newspapers with a nice juicy story after being stiffed by Labour! I hope he made out like a bandit. I love it!

Please accept my apology, Ellee. I'm still not keen on the college sociology project, though.  

Blogger The Hitch said... 3:33 pm

That and never ever be rude to somebody who has the ability to spit/piss on your food  

Blogger Croydonian said... 3:37 pm

Wise words Peter. From what I hear from my mate in the catering biz, they are pretty nasty to each other too.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 4:01 pm

Go to bitterwaitress.com It was set up by angry waitpersons.  

Blogger Stan Bull said... 5:33 pm

The Labour party is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. Perhaps post-Downing Street, TB can help them out financially with some of the millions he is projected to earn. But somehow I rather doubt he will...  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 6:36 pm


Here it is  

Blogger Croydonian said... 4:41 pm

Aargh - and the link was posted last Thursday and I didn't pick up on it. Bangs head against desk.  

Anonymous Anonymous said... 5:23 pm

I have set up a pledge bank - if 20 people (including me) pay £36 each
we will cover his £400 expenses and his £320 pay at the national minimum

Pledgebank details on my blog at: http://tinyurl.com/yypacv

Please sign up!  

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