Don't short change people who can embarass you - an object lesson for the Labour Party
Just seen this at the Mail:
Video director Danny Dewsbury appears to have got the shaft from Labour over a film he made for them for which he has not been paid, and has been enagaging in a degree of passive aggression that scales the heights:
"Recalling that the Ministers had made embarrassing gaffes and some astonishingly 'off-message' remarks - which were edited out of the official propaganda film - he put them together and sent the 'uncut' version to The Mail on Sunday. His film shows:
Party chairman Hazel Blears half-heartedly stacking shelves in Tesco and needing four attempts at introducing herself to the camera.
And there is a revealing moment when Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt records her thoughts of the day - while an adviser coaches her to use a series of buzzwords, including 'pride', 'progress' and 'reform'.
One scene, filmed at the time calls were growing for Tony Blair to step down, shows Mr Johnson visiting a school in Hull. Mr Johnson's aide tells him: "I feel really sorry for Tony. I think they're just bastards."
The Minister replies: "He's fine. I've never seen him so relaxed. He never planned to do more than ten years. He told Gordon earlier this week..." Then Mr Johnson looks up at the cameraman and asks: "This is on?"
Come on Danny, put it YouTube, please.
Video director Danny Dewsbury appears to have got the shaft from Labour over a film he made for them for which he has not been paid, and has been enagaging in a degree of passive aggression that scales the heights:
"Recalling that the Ministers had made embarrassing gaffes and some astonishingly 'off-message' remarks - which were edited out of the official propaganda film - he put them together and sent the 'uncut' version to The Mail on Sunday. His film shows:
Party chairman Hazel Blears half-heartedly stacking shelves in Tesco and needing four attempts at introducing herself to the camera.
And there is a revealing moment when Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt records her thoughts of the day - while an adviser coaches her to use a series of buzzwords, including 'pride', 'progress' and 'reform'.
One scene, filmed at the time calls were growing for Tony Blair to step down, shows Mr Johnson visiting a school in Hull. Mr Johnson's aide tells him: "I feel really sorry for Tony. I think they're just bastards."
The Minister replies: "He's fine. I've never seen him so relaxed. He never planned to do more than ten years. He told Gordon earlier this week..." Then Mr Johnson looks up at the cameraman and asks: "This is on?"
Come on Danny, put it YouTube, please.
I saw this and was thinking about posting on it, his critique on Labour's ministers was a good read.
I can't believe Labour is so stingy, I'm wondering what has gone wrong with their communication. Hopefully, the MoS made up for Danny's cash shortfall. Hopefully, Danny can use this for a college project and get top marks - it will certainly be unique.
"Hopefully, the MoS made up for Danny's cash shortfall."
Hopefully, they bloody did not!
And ... a "college project" in the vacuity and duplicity of socialism?
V - I would have thought you would admire the chap's enterprise in seeking a form of financial redress....
Oh! Apologies to Ellee! I now realise, after reading Croydonian's comment, what MOS means. Mail on Sunday? I thought it was an acronym for a ministry. Ministry of ... I just thought it was the name of a ministry I'd never heard of. They spring up like daisies under the Blair regime.
Yes, of course I approve of going to the newspapers with a nice juicy story after being stiffed by Labour! I hope he made out like a bandit. I love it!
Please accept my apology, Ellee. I'm still not keen on the college sociology project, though.
That and never ever be rude to somebody who has the ability to spit/piss on your food
Wise words Peter. From what I hear from my mate in the catering biz, they are pretty nasty to each other too.
Go to It was set up by angry waitpersons.
The Labour party is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. Perhaps post-Downing Street, TB can help them out financially with some of the millions he is projected to earn. But somehow I rather doubt he will...
Here it is
Aargh - and the link was posted last Thursday and I didn't pick up on it. Bangs head against desk.
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