Technical problems - again...
One of the regulare has e-mailed me thus:
"As I said yesterday, the page only has about four items, then it is impossible to scroll down further. I cannot read the Jack Straw update because only the first two paras are accommodated on the page, and the page ends".
Anyone else got the same symptoms? It looks OK to me on IE and Firefox, with reboots, cache clearance etc.
"As I said yesterday, the page only has about four items, then it is impossible to scroll down further. I cannot read the Jack Straw update because only the first two paras are accommodated on the page, and the page ends".
Anyone else got the same symptoms? It looks OK to me on IE and Firefox, with reboots, cache clearance etc.
I'm on IE and I have absolutely no problems with any other site.
But for the last three days or so, I have not been able to scroll down below - approx, depending on their length - four subjects.
i think I know what the problem is. Mail me the template again and I will try to lok at it over the weekend.
What's worse, Dizzy, is, I went back to the site, and suddenly it worked! And I was going to send Croydonian an email to let him know the problem was solved, but when I clicked back on the site to see if it would scroll right down to the end, it was as truncated as before.
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