Polly doesn't like someone / some people in the government
This section in La Toynbee's piece in The Guardian leapt out at me:
Most Labour MPs, members and supporters will look on aghast at this blood-letting day, with worse to follow. Here is a successful left-of-centre government running a strong economy with good social policies, led by mainly decent, clever people, that is destroying itself before our eyes.
Who does she mean?
This section in La Toynbee's piece in The Guardian leapt out at me:
Most Labour MPs, members and supporters will look on aghast at this blood-letting day, with worse to follow. Here is a successful left-of-centre government running a strong economy with good social policies, led by mainly decent, clever people, that is destroying itself before our eyes.
Who does she mean?
The real story today should be about Dave
He is actualy visting Ghandis tomb !!! (+:
not only that but on his blog under the heading "going green in a tuk tuk" the guy is filmed in the back of a leather lined s class
even better he posted my "post
Hi Dave love the blog , I thought that somehow you would pay tribute to Ghandi durig your visit ,you have a lot in comon with him., a caring man standing up for morality in the face of a wicked and venal occupying power (new labour)
Will you be riding an elephant , my young daughter has said how much she would like to see you on one.
Best wishes.
11:15 AM
Very naughty Peter....
was that whole blog a Guido.Iain Dael wind up or was it for real.
Surely she means Prescott.
It's not Gandhi's tomb (although possibly Dave thinks it is because of his benighted ignorance). It is the spot where Gandhi was cremated.
By Polly's own standards, perhaps most people are decent and clever.
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