The Left comes up with a new slur....
Just had a look at Progress Online and I note they are describing Islamists as of the 'extreme right'. Hello?
Just had a look at Progress Online and I note they are describing Islamists as of the 'extreme right'. Hello?
Wasn't it the US Neocons who first started talking about "Islamic fascists" (or some such phrase)?
I'd like to see proof of that.
Did some digging around, and the earliest use of 'Islamofacist' seems to be this:
"Nevertheless there is what might be called a political problem affecting the Muslim world. In contrast to the heirs of some other non-Western traditions, including Hinduism, Shintoism and Buddhism, Islamic societies seem to have found it particularly hard to institutionalise divergences politically: authoritarian government, not to say Islamo-fascism, is the rule rather than the exception from Morocco to Pakistan."
This ran in The Independent back in 1990. Anyway, more here.
Very interesting,Croydonian. Thanks.
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