Charles Moore attempts to ride the zeitgeist...
Without a huge amount of succes, it must be said. In this week's Spectator diary he reels out the almost carbon datable google bomb tale of what happens when you search for 'French Military victories'. /How/ old is that one? Three years minimum. Having had an impromptu bloggers' convention (erm, formation drinking) yesterday - Dizzy, James Cleverly and meself - we were mulling on which other ancient internet jokes and wonders might be news to Charles. I nominated google earth, and Dizzy suggested the Star Wars Kid.
Without a huge amount of succes, it must be said. In this week's Spectator diary he reels out the almost carbon datable google bomb tale of what happens when you search for 'French Military victories'. /How/ old is that one? Three years minimum. Having had an impromptu bloggers' convention (erm, formation drinking) yesterday - Dizzy, James Cleverly and meself - we were mulling on which other ancient internet jokes and wonders might be news to Charles. I nominated google earth, and Dizzy suggested the Star Wars Kid.
name dropper!
next you'll be claiming rehman chisti as a drinking buddy,
just been onto con home and he's on the A-list,justify that anyone?
Lifestyles of the rich and shameless, eh?
Charles moore is from that very shallow gene pool of tame toffs that for some reason certain newspapers (the Telegraph) seem to think they owe a living to.
Whatever hapened to the Hon Christopher Monckton?
I rather like Charles Moore's writing, although he is rather an old style Tory compared to me. Monckton appears to be in less than good health, having retired from the consultancy he set up having given up the delights of Grub Street.
i see noones had a go at defending chisti!
croydonian - I don't know what you mean by "old style" if not literate and with a respect for the reader. Is "old style" a synonym for "not texting"? I too like Charles Moore's writing and I too have been less than pleased with some of his pieces lately.
I have a feeling he's under pressure from the dreaded Barclay brothers. They really are a couple of illiterate, NuLab wankers. They've run off the best writers in both The Telegraph and The Speccie, although Janet Daley can occasionally be spotted hanging from a windowsill by her fingernails. But she's the last of the worldly and literate ones.
Croydonian and gracious host - apologies for having misread your sentence and pounced in to write before I'd read it a second time. You didn't, of course, refer to Charles Moore's writing, but to his politics as "an old style Tory".
Please forgive.
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