Random good (?) ideas department
Praguetory is less than impressed with the five hours it takes to process an arrest. It would be very hard to disagree, and for some time I have been chewing over the possible virtues of the plod being issued with customised PDAs. Anyone who suffers ordeal by SW Trains will have seen ticket collectors armed with PDAs and printer units that allow them to crank out tickets etc, all based on a few clicks, stylus strokes etc.
Clearly police work is a tad more complex than that of a ticket collector, but I imagine the vast bulk of police note taking revolves around a comparatively small set of offences etc, and feel that a PDA would be a vast improvement on a notebook. One problem that would have to be dealt with would be the laws of evidence, as the scope for falsifying records could exist without proper safeguards. However, the time savings based on syncing an Ipaq back at the station (or better still, transmitting the data while out and about) would be enormous, and allow Her Majesty's various constabularies to get on with policing and not to spend so much time on admin.
Thoughts, especially of a technical and / or policing nature, and comments, please.
I know PCF will aprreciate this more than most but I really do believe in bringing back flogging and corporal punishment to schools.you always get these leftis who say it won't work but getting smacked did me no harm at all.
Look at these kids who did for damilola taylor.Totally unafraid of authority---why? because the leftis run our schools and police forces.If the coppers spent as much time clipping kids round the ear as they do handing out speeding tickets to tax paying people.if they spent as much time taking uninsured asylum seekers off the road as they do in diversity classes etc etc.
Rant over!
I should have though that the chance of falsifying evidence would be lower than the old notebook and pen. After all, there would be no doubt about the author of a PDA written account and if the data is regularly sent to HQ the timing of the account/number of edits etc is much more certain than when manual records are used.
An instant data connection to Head Office could allow tasks such as stolen vehicle searches, ID verification and potentially even fingerprint matches to be done much more quickly in the field.
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