A small piece of Tuesday cheer
I was much cheered to see that professional irritant George Monbiot apparently labours under a sentence of life imprisonment by Indonesia, albeit handed down in absentia. Rather less cheering is the UK not having an extradition treaty with Indonesia.
(Note for any po-facedluddites greens gearing up for a rant about free speech etc, I am not being entirely serious)
I was much cheered to see that professional irritant George Monbiot apparently labours under a sentence of life imprisonment by Indonesia, albeit handed down in absentia. Rather less cheering is the UK not having an extradition treaty with Indonesia.
(Note for any po-faced
who is he? nice name.
Showing that things can go wrong in even best to families, he's the son of an Oxfordshire Tory bigwig, and former room mate of Niall Ferguson but now a professional ranter and green extremist. Go to georgemonbiot.com for a closer look.
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