Trotskyite corner
The Scottish Socialist Party (henceforth the SSP) looks an awful lot like a Trotskyite entity to me, and yet Tommy Sheridan's decision to seek the leadership of the SSP looks rather like he might be guilty of falling prey to Trotsky's anathematised 'cult of leadership'. Still, the extreme left is never happier than when engaged in in-fighting, so the rest of us should sit back and enjoy the show.
The Scottish Socialist Party (henceforth the SSP) looks an awful lot like a Trotskyite entity to me, and yet Tommy Sheridan's decision to seek the leadership of the SSP looks rather like he might be guilty of falling prey to Trotsky's anathematised 'cult of leadership'. Still, the extreme left is never happier than when engaged in in-fighting, so the rest of us should sit back and enjoy the show.
What odds on Sheridan being the next Jeffrey Archer?
While mindful of the laws on defamation, it is notable that so many of Sheridan's hostile witnesses are saying bring on any perjury prosecutions.
the editor concerned was quoted as saying he was 'flabbergasted'
apparently sheridans Mrs was as fragrant as Archers.think he'll be glad to have won once but I think they'll appeal anyway
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