STWC up to its old tricks
Compare and contrast how the BBC's site and the Sky News website report on the march. Particularly the headlines.
Trotskyite front organisation the Stop the War Coalition has come up with a new stunt, calling on its gulls to "Bring children's shoes to the national demonstration on Saturday 5 August. We will leave them at The Cenotaph, on Tony Blair's doorstep".
I have not been able to establish what is the tariff fine for littering in
Compare and contrast how the BBC's site and the Sky News website report on the march. Particularly the headlines.
That would be a good idea for my MEP who is an International Trade spokesman and up in arms about Mandelson's tariff on shoes. See:,,1713389,00.html
for a bunch of nutters who bang on about being anti-rascist/fascist whta they practice and preach are two different things quite often.
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