Jim Sheridan's sudden outbreak of scruples
I don't suppose many of us wake up of a morning and wonder quite what is going through the mind of the member for Paisley & Renfrewshire North and now former PPS to the Defence Ministry.
Anyway, he's resigned, claiming ""I don't expect my resignation will have any significant impact on the prime minister's objectives in the Middle East, which I genuinely believe to be honourable on his part, but I don't believe they reflect the core values of the Labour Party or indeed the country." All very moving I'm sure we'll all agree.
So, let us examine his voting record, and what do we find: slavish following of the party line including being strongly for the
Perhaps he felt having gone along with Iraq, he had to stand by his conscience this time. It does take a lot of courage to resign a ministrial post.
Ellee you truly are a decent person but please don't give these bastards credit for having a conscience.I remember certian of their number marching against student loans and raging against Thatcher whilst at uni and now they're part of the govct that got rid of grants altogether and imposed loans on the English only
He's probably only resigned because he doesn't fancy his chnces of promotion any more
Rant over
He even shaved off his Mandelson style moustache to climb the ladder. What's the betting he grows it again?
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