So much for a common EU asylum standard
From EUPravda:
"In 2008, there were nearly 240 000 asylum applicants registered in the EU27, or 480 applicants per million inhabitants. The main countries of citizenship of these applicants were Iraq (29 000 or 12% of the total number of applicants), Russia (21 100 or 9%), Somalia (14 300 or 6%), Serbia (13 600 or 6%) and Afghanistan (12 600 or 5%)".
The data is patchy, but what is notable is the data on first instance decisions by outcome, 2008, country by country. That for Italy, Cyprus and Denmark is incomplete and has been excluded, but the remaining 24 EU members have the figures, as do Switzerland, Iceland and Norway. So, being a fan of fiddling around with charts, here are asylum applications, acceptance and the percentage rate of acceptance, country by country. As a footnote, if anyone can suggest a better way of showing graphs in blogger other than screen printing whatever I knock up in Excel etc and saving it as a JPG, I'm all ears.

So, Greece, France and Sweden all have more applications than we do, although the top five destinations account for two-thirds odf applications. As to the chances of success for the would be asylum seeker, the rate varies from 76% in Switzerland to, get this, 1.3% in Greece. So, the countries accepting the highest numbers of asylum seekers are, in descending order, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, the UK and the Netherlands. Given relative populations, that makes the Swiss, the Dutch and the Swedes a good deal more generous / a soft touch (delete as applicable) than us.
"In 2008, there were nearly 240 000 asylum applicants registered in the EU27, or 480 applicants per million inhabitants. The main countries of citizenship of these applicants were Iraq (29 000 or 12% of the total number of applicants), Russia (21 100 or 9%), Somalia (14 300 or 6%), Serbia (13 600 or 6%) and Afghanistan (12 600 or 5%)".
The data is patchy, but what is notable is the data on first instance decisions by outcome, 2008, country by country. That for Italy, Cyprus and Denmark is incomplete and has been excluded, but the remaining 24 EU members have the figures, as do Switzerland, Iceland and Norway. So, being a fan of fiddling around with charts, here are asylum applications, acceptance and the percentage rate of acceptance, country by country. As a footnote, if anyone can suggest a better way of showing graphs in blogger other than screen printing whatever I knock up in Excel etc and saving it as a JPG, I'm all ears.

So, Greece, France and Sweden all have more applications than we do, although the top five destinations account for two-thirds odf applications. As to the chances of success for the would be asylum seeker, the rate varies from 76% in Switzerland to, get this, 1.3% in Greece. So, the countries accepting the highest numbers of asylum seekers are, in descending order, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, the UK and the Netherlands. Given relative populations, that makes the Swiss, the Dutch and the Swedes a good deal more generous / a soft touch (delete as applicable) than us.
Labels: EU fun and games, fun with statistics